Saturday, November 30, 2019

Caturday Art

Cashmere gets a turn at being the Caturday Art kitty!  I used her wordless wednesday picture and I think it came out really cute!







And the original!


Don't forget the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction! I havent added the new items yet, but they will be on before the weekend ends, promise! (have to take some new pictures)
Share the banner!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thankful Throwback Thursday

(wow, this was written a few years ago and it's still true this year! except the reason for lack of pictures is the loss of my laptop this time, sheesh!)

It's Thanksgiving Day here in the USA. I was not able to make a new picture for it this year, or apparently the last few years.. since the only picture I could find was from when we had only Leo and Star.
So this is my TBT! And we are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
We hope all of our dear blogging friends, USA and elsewhere, have a wonderful, thank filled day! We love you all!

We are thankful for friends and family and furiends near and far! We are thankful for warm beds and an abundant supply of catnip toys! We are thankful for cat trees and bunny/bird/squirrel TV!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Please find time to visit the Winnie's Wish Auction this weekend if you can. Lots of items, more to be posted this weekend! Please help make this a wonderful time for the Wishers! Thank you!


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mancat Monday Hope Edition

 Leo: Our daddy went away for a week a little bit ago (momma didn't share it 'cause she freaks out about burglars, blah blah blah, and she got burgled anyway, blah blah, long story, we're all fine) to 'settle a state' and he came back with this thing he called a hope chest. Our cat tree that sits in this window is out for repair so we've been stuck with stacks of boxes. Until now.

 Leo: So what do I do now? Hope I can catch the birdies and ebil squirrel that I watch out the window? Oh I hope hope hope hope one gets in so I can catch it! 

Leo: How long does it take to work? 'Cause I'm still waiting... hello hope chest, where's my birdies and squirrels?!


I don't know if everyone reads blogs over the weekend, (sometimes I dont have time) so I'm going to copy what I posted Saturday about Chrystal and the Auction.

Friends, Chrystal said that I can share with you all what she's going through. Her father is doing very poorly and she's having to spend most of her time with him and her mom. She's wearing herself out doing all she does with the kitties then rushing to her parents. She has no time on line and probably wont be blogging again this week.
She had been enjoying watching the auction but she has no time on the computer right now. She asked me to thank everyone for supporting her and the auction and even though she's not watching it every day she's very grateful for everyone helping.

If you can, please share about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction this week. There are lots of items to bid on and more to come!

Share and use the banner please!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Late Caturday Art

When I got Friday's picture ready I already knew I'd be using it for Caturday Art! I had to see if we could make those icky smelly dirty shoes look better! And it worked, for the most part, MOL!

My usual favorite: Beauty



Surreal Painting

Christmas Needlework

Here's a fail that I thought was funny: Coloring Book. Looks like a skeleton cat with a roasted mutilated turkey, no?

And the original!



Friends, Chrystal said that I can share with you all what she's going through. Her father is doing very poorly and she's having to spend most of her time with him and her mom. She's wearing herself out doing all she does with the kitties then rushing to her parents. She has no time on line and probably wont be blogging again this week.
She had been enjoying watching the auction but she has no time on the computer right now. She asked me to thank everyone for supporting her and the auction and even though she's not watching it every day she's very grateful for everyone helping.

If you can, please share about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction this week. There are lots of items to bid on and more to come!

Share and use the banner please!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Glitter Has Scents

 Glitter: What do you mean, I must not have a sense of smell? 

Glitter: Oh, I know daddy's shoes stink, but it's a good stink!  *wink* Takes a real connoisseur to know the difference. I have sense about scents!

Ok, sure, Glitter. Just keep them on that side of the room!


New items went up on the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction last night! Be sure to check it out!

And please, feel free to share the banner! Spread the word please!



Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leo Snuggles and Update

 Leo: I know the best places to snuggle when it's cold. Right up against mommy's arm on top of her warm blanket. Of course, tucking my nose into my furs helps too.

Leo: I don't always tuck my nose in though. But when I do, you know it's cold. That's when mommy turns up the heat. I have her wrapped around my little extra toe.. heh heh

Leo update. He's doing much better, his eye is almost completely cleared up. We're working on the weight thing. I think he lost the weight because he was sick, he was a little sneezey and kitties don't like to eat when they can't smell it. I'm always trying to get more weight on him for just this reason. He's usually a lean mean snuggle machine, but this is a touch too lean.
Thank you, everyone for your suggestions in the last Leo Update, I truly appreciate it.


I'm going to be adding some new items to the auction later today, so be on the look out!

Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction

(we couldn't get the linkys to work, but click on the banner to see the rest of the blog hop)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chilly Cashmere

Cashmere: It's too chilly in here, this blanket needs to be spread out better so I can snuggle on it, under it, in it. I have claimed it now, capisce?

Well I hope you don't mind sharing, Cashmere, because you're not the only one who's chilly! Anyone else missing a nice warm autumn?


Don't forget to stop by the auction! Don't forget to share the auction! It's been a little quite the last few days, but there's still all kinds of good items up for bids!

Like these:

Please feel free to share the banner below! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Kiss the Paw

 Leo: You want to see my paws? See my ears of slight annoyance? That means No.

Leo: Oh very well. Here's my paw. But I'm carefully holding it so you can't see my extra toes, which I know was your goal anyway, so HA! You may kiss the paw. Not promising not to pull it away, but you can try.

Can't help it, love them big ol' paws! For a polydactyl, he sure can hide them extras when he wants to. Must be the fluff. When he stands, they spread out and look like a bloomin' onion!


Lots of goodies on the Winnie's Wish Auction! Be sure to check it out. Tell your friends!! Remember, every bid helps the kitties!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Almost a Dangle

You all know that Glitter has the weirdest ways to lay, like digging her claw into the cat tree so it looks like she's hugging it, or legs jutting off the Celestial Skyway cat shelves. She's also fairly good at doing the dangle, but this one.. this one is not a dangle, not a claw dug in. I don't know what it is, so you all can decide if it needs a name and if it does, what do we call this move??

Glitter: What? This isn't odd. It's a dangle, so what if I'm touching.  

I don't know Glitter.. Dangle means hanging, and you can't hang if you touch. Of course, the bigger question is.. where are your back legs??

 Glitter: My legs are there.. goofy mom, don't you know kitties tuck? What do you think the cat loaf position is?

So you're half loafing, partly dangling and also touching? You're making my brain hurt... Bonus, toe hawks showing in the one dangled foot!

What would you call this strange configuration of kitty poses??


Don't forget about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction! Items were added this weekend and there are more to come!!

Please feel free to take and share the banner!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Caturday Art & Leo Update

Of course with the update on Leo, I decided to use his picture this week for Caturday Art! I love lunapic's choices and had to force myself to stop! Here he is in all his artistic glory!






Christmas Needlepoint

Couldn't help it, had to have it make this gif of Leo in an ornament with snow!

And here's the original

 The update on Leo's vet visit: He was not happy and sang the song of his people from the minute he was put into the PTU until they arrived at the ebil v.e.t, whereupon he invoked his right silence in the presence of his oppressor (aforementioned ebil v.e.t). The song began again upon leaving there and did not stop until he was released back in his homeland. It's funny because Leo hardly ever talks.

Know how I was wishing and hoping there would be no pills because Leo is completely un-food motivated?  Wish I'd have bit my tongue... Because, yay no pills! However.. we have to put ointment in his eye twice a day!! I think I'd rather do pills..
We are going to be bloody messes, there's no doubt in my mind at all. If you happen to see two maimed corpses discovered among a snarling mini-lion in the next week or so, please inform the authorities of our identities..

Seriously though, it's not a bad cold at all, the vet said, just an over anxious momma. He got a shot, they put drops in his eye so they could look at it and make sure there was nothing in it, then they put in the first dose of ointment. So really all is good on that front.

However.. his weight. At his length and height 15 pounds would be a nice weight, not fat, but not thin. He's usually around a lean 11-12 pounds. Yesterday, he was under 10! 9.80 to be exact and I'm not happy. I know being sick reduces appetite, but this is a low for him. (vet? unconcerned..)

They discontinued his favorite crunchy food last year, and while he likes some of the new offerings we've been trying, nothing brings him running like a fresh bowl of that old one. He can take or leave canned food. It is SO hard finding food without fish!! Do they not realize that desert creatures (like the ones cats were decended from) would have no access to fish?? They know there is a corrilation between fish and urinary crystals, still, there is fish in EVERYTHING. Even things that say "Chicken" or "Poultry Platter" will have at least fish oil in it. Crunchy and canned alike, it's do dang hard to be fish free!
Ok, rant over.. Sorry, pet peeve.

So now I have to find a way to get more food in a cat who is not food motivated and who, while he has no fever, just doesn't feel good at the moment. Ideas? Thoughts? Prayers?!
Thank you!


New items went onto the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction last night! And more to come in the following weeks!
