Of course with the update on Leo, I decided to use his picture this week for Caturday Art! I love lunapic's choices and had to force myself to stop! Here he is in all his artistic glory!
Christmas Needlepoint
Couldn't help it, had to have it make this gif of Leo in an ornament with snow!
And here's the original
The update on Leo's vet visit: He was not happy and sang the song of his people from the minute he was put into the PTU until they arrived at the ebil v.e.t, whereupon he invoked his right silence in the presence of his oppressor (aforementioned ebil v.e.t). The song began again upon leaving there and did not stop until he was released back in his homeland. It's funny because Leo hardly ever talks.
Know how I was wishing and hoping there would be no pills because Leo is completely un-food motivated? Wish I'd have bit my tongue... Because, yay no pills! However.. we have to put ointment in his eye twice a day!! I think I'd rather do pills..
We are going to be bloody messes, there's no doubt in my mind at all. If you happen to see two maimed corpses discovered among a snarling mini-lion in the next week or so, please inform the authorities of our identities..
Seriously though, it's not a bad cold at all, the vet said, just an over anxious momma. He got a shot, they put drops in his eye so they could look at it and make sure there was nothing in it, then they put in the first dose of ointment. So really all is good on that front.
However.. his weight. At his length and height 15 pounds would be a nice weight, not fat, but not thin. He's usually around a lean 11-12 pounds. Yesterday, he was under 10! 9.80 to be exact and I'm not happy. I know being sick reduces appetite, but this is a low for him. (vet? unconcerned..)
They discontinued his favorite crunchy food last year, and while he likes some of the new offerings we've been trying, nothing brings him running like a fresh bowl of that old one. He can take or leave canned food. It is SO hard finding food without fish!! Do they not realize that desert creatures (like the ones cats were decended from) would have no access to fish?? They know there is a corrilation between fish and urinary crystals, still, there is fish in EVERYTHING. Even things that say "Chicken" or "Poultry Platter" will have at least fish oil in it. Crunchy and canned alike, it's do dang hard to be fish free!
Ok, rant over.. Sorry, pet peeve.
So now I have to find a way to get more food in a cat who is not food motivated and who, while he has no fever, just doesn't feel good at the moment. Ideas? Thoughts? Prayers?!
Thank you!
New items went onto the
Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction last night! And more to come in the following weeks!