Leo here, taking over the blog duty today. Because *I* have the bestest, most happiest of thankful thingies! MY mommy is home!! She's HOME!!!! Seven paw wringing weeks she's gone and finally she's HOME!! YAY!!!!
Of course I had to let her know that this was not acceptable and refused to even look at her for a couple of hours even though suck-up-Glitter let her pet her the minute she came in the door. And even after I let her pet me, I still slept with daddy for the first half of her first night home. Now she knows, right? Don't abandon the Leo!
She's been home a few days now and while she says she's settling in and trying to get back to her routine, I think she's just been lazy about updating everyone and blogging. That's why I took over today.
Mommy saw her doctor today and the shake out of everything she went through was.. she doesn't have any of the big scary stuff they said/thought she had. You know how it is, right? Every specialist in a hospital thinks you have something in HIS specialty. Ear nose throat said she had acid reflux, she doesn't. Heart guy said she had congestive heart failure, nope, not that either. Internal med guy said diabetes, wrong again. Pulmonary said COPD, nopity nope nope. Everything that was wrong with her, even down to the voice change, was a problem with her oxygen and CO2 levels. And that's it! She got taken off of so many medicines today that instead of saying don't take this and don't take that, he told her only take these two. And one of those is an over the counter supplement!
Now, of course all of this excitement the peeps are having over this is dependent on the results of today's blood work, but it all looks good so far, so yay!
Me and the sissies, we is so happy she's home that we've been making sure she is not fur free for even a minute! We all have a huge thankful!
Dear friends, we are imploring you again on behalf of Winnie's Wish! We have not been able to fundraise for them in AGES! no auctions. no toy or bed fundraisers. So we are asking you, for Chrystal's birthday, to make up for the fact that Miss Chrystal was unable to get to her one and only Florida palm tree vacation, just because you love kitties, (and maybe as a yay for my mommy being home and well?) to please consider sending a donation or some wish list items! They really need help with the kitties, litter and food especially.
If you want to send wish list items but don't have Amazon prime, you can use my red donate button and I will convert your donation to wish list items and send them in your name.
Any little bit helps!

You can find Chrystal's donate button on the side bar of the Winnie's Wish blog/Daily dose of dogs AKA Cats with your coffee.
You can find her Wish List HERE or also on her sidebar.
And again, my donate button is a big red one on my side bar.
Please do share, lets make sure lots of packages and donations find their way to the kitties!!
Thank you!!!!