Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thankful Pillow Girl

 Cashmere: Gotta keep the pantaloons fluffy, la la la la la la..

Cashmere: Whoops, didn't see you all there.. Well, a girl can get carried away when she gets ALL the pillows all to herself. I feel like the queen of everything! This is Thankful Thursday and yes, this is what I'm thankful for today! 
Also thankful for all the well wishes for our mommy. She loves you all and appreciates everything! We're sure she'll get better, it's just going to take a bit of time. 

Know what else we are really thankful for? Miss Chrystal and Winnie's Wish! If it weren't for her, we'd have been feral all our lives, and would have had litter after litter of kittens and maybe even have starved or froze by now. She rescued us, took us in, made us Wishers and once we were all good and healthy, adopted us to our mommy! 

Miss Chrystal is an awesome rescuer and now runs Winnie's Wish as a sanctuary since the 33 kitties she has are not adoptable. They will have a safe, happy home for as long as they live because of her! 

And now her birthday is coming! Next Wednesday as a matter of fact!! Mommy wants her to have a wonderful birthday so she's asking if you will make a donation or send a wish list item to Winnie's Wish as a huge birthday celebration! 

You can make a donation on the Daily Dose/Winnie's Wish blog page, using the button on their side bar.
Or you can click the link/graphic to go to the Amazon wish list page and something
Or, if you don't have prime, or want to make it easy, you can use the donate button on my sidebar (use the send to friends and family option to avoid paypal fees) and I will add your donation to mine and other peoples and send a big order. 

Let's make this a wonderful birthday for Chrystal, and for the Wishers! However you can help will be so very appreciated!  Thank you!!!


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Straw Hat Day and A Big Idea

 Leo: I know it's an old picture, but hey, at least we got a post out! Happy Straw Hat day people. Um, I think I'm a day late though? whoopsie!

Things were starting to get better with mommy, but everything is going south again. No, she don't have the 'rona, she's got other issues. So many issues you'd need a subscription to keep up! Bwahaha! No, seriously, she's struggling again but she's starting a new course of meds and has a nurse visit, so hopefully it was caught in time because going to the hospital right now is a huge no no! 

But we got bigger things to talk about, which is why we decided we had to post now!

Miss Chrystal's birthday is coming up! You know Miss Chrystal, she's the wonderful rescuer who runs Winnie's Wish, the rescue and shelter for unadoptable cats. (Leo, Glitter and Cashmere came from there, when she still had adoptable kitties!)
There are 33 cats in her care, she can't take in any more because she's full up. But that doesn't mean there's no need for help. In fact, there might be more because without new kitties to highlight, there are fewer readers, fewer donations... Even though 33 cats need a LOT of food and litter and laundry and.. well you get the idea. 

So my proposal is this: 
For Miss Chrystal's Birthday, let's all do what we can!
If you can make a donation, no matter how small, please do! 
If you can send a wish list item or two, please do! 
If you want to send wish list items but don't have amazon prime or can't give enough for a whole item/order, you are welcome to send the money you want to use to me and I will combine it with anyone else who donates, as well as from myself, and send as big an amazon order as I can!
Doesn't that sound like a great birthday idea for Chrystal?? 
Please help if you can, and even if you can't, lets send her lots of birthday greetings when it's closer to her actual birthday, May 27th!

Thank you everyone!