Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tail Wrap Tuesday

You know how cute it is when kitties sit up all nice and straight and they wrap their tail around to cover their front feet? Leo occasionally does that, but this pose is more him. Especially in colder weather.

Leo: zzzzZZZZzzz... keepin' my nose warm. What's wrong with that? ....zzzzZZZZZzzzzzz

Ok, ok. We'll let you sleep now, sorry to disturb!

While Leo sleeps, I'd like to say a few words about what today really is. It's Giving Tuesday.
"GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world."
If you have somewhere you like to donate, please do so today if you can. If you don't have a regular place, or if you want to give a little to a lot of places, I ask you to consider Winnie's Wish. Chrystal runs this Rescue Shelter Sanctuary on her own and on a very tight shoestring budget. My fundraisers help, but you  know animals, there are always more needs and unexpected expenses. So if you are so inclined, please visit the Daily Dose Blog and use the donate button on her sidebar. Or use the Wish List to send them something from Amazon. Every bit helps and would be greatly appreciated. 
I'd also like to point out Wild Angels. This is a wild animal rehab run by Chrystal's daughter. She has no funding and sometimes has so many tiny animals that I don't know where she puts them! You can find them on facebook and donate there if you would like to. Last I knew she had several orphaned possums and maybe some raccoons. She's previously brought back to health fawns, birds, bunnies and a whole host of critters. Any help there would be greatly appreciated too.  


Another way to help Winnie's Wish is to support the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction currently running. And with lots of new items just added! 

There are a couple of items I want to highlight. Custom made items! That's right, you decide what you want on it, I design it and Twin 2 creates it with a special vinyl! It's not silk screening, but it's pretty close if you ask my opinion. (not like the old iron on things from the 80's!)
There are can cozies in many colors and a cute collar bandana. Feel free to email me with any questions. anniclan AT aol.com
There are Holiday Items!

Beds and toys!

And lots more! Stop by and see! Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction

If you can't make a donation or by or bid on something today, you can still help this Giving Tuesday by sharing the auction on your social media or sharing it with your friends! Pass along one of the banners below and you will really help the kitties today! 

Thank you so much! Have a great day!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Almost a Sunday Selfie

 Glitter! It's time for your Sunday Selfie!

Glitter: Hang on, hang on, I'm not ready yet! 

Gonna run out of time..

Glitter: If you had this much fur, your baffs would take forever too.. I'll be there when I get there. 

Oops, too late, time to post! Maybe next time. 


I'm running late too, but I blame the fact that I just added a whole bunch of new items to the 
Be sure to get your bids in because every bit goes to the kitties of Winnie's Wish, and they do need it, trust me. 32 kitties go through a lot of food and a lot of litter and a lot of vet bills and meds and well, you get the idea. 
Please help if you can, there are many ways to help: 
        Bid on the auction
        Use the donate button on the Winnie's Wish Blog site side bar
        Use their Amazon Wish List and send something they need
        Share the auction on your social media and any pet based groups you belong to
        Share the banners below on your own blog with the link to the auction 


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Blanket Saga

Today isn't really about cats, but it is cat-centric, or cat-adjacent, so I think it's still ok, right? 
By now I'm sure you are aware that the Celestial Kitties Holiday Auction is going on right now. If not, hey! shop for your kitties Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus and help the Kitties of Winnie's Wish Rescue and Sanctuary at the same time! Or get something for the cat/dog/tiny pet lover in your life! 

But I digress. Well sort of. See, I promised in the listing of one particular item that I would tell the story of it in my blog. And time is getting away from me and I still haven't told it! Perhaps you've seen the Rainbow Fur and Sherpa Nap Mats? Oh they are awesome! But boy do they have a story! 
It may be long, but I hope you find it as humorous as I do.

It all began when I joined a group on facebook that shares deals and coupons on Amazon. (oh how I've spend, but oh how I've saved!) One day I saw a weighted blanket that had that awesome soft fur used on the best fluffy cat beds on one side and sherpa/fake sheep skin on the other. Wow, I thought, the cats would love to sleep on that! Either side! The price wasn't half bad either, for a blanket like that. 

That's when I had my Bright Idea! I could cut that into small individual nap mats and have lots for the auction! What could be easier I thought as I clicked buy. It arrived in a few days and the first inkling that this might not be so simple after all. The box was HEAVY, oof! So heavy! Oh well, I said to myself, I can just remove the ceramic micro-beads it's filled with, no problem! Still optimistic! 

I think I've eluded to the fact that I have some physical limitations previously, that becomes my next issue. I've decided that perhaps when I cut this blanket it should be done outside. Because, ya know, fur. I didn't want a rainbow colored fur covered house. For reasons this means that the actual cutting will have to be handled by Greg. I bought this super heavy blanket before Greg's accident. For months and months he was unable and not allowed to lift anything as heavy as this blanket so it sat in it's box testing the strength of the support beams of my house. 

When Greg was finally up to taking on the blanket he took a folding table outside and somehow got the box out there. Armed with my second best scissors, into the breach he went. Twenty minutes later he came back in, one nap mat sized piece of blanket held up in his hand like a fisherman showing off his catch and a sour look on his face. He sputtered, cat spitting fur tufts style, and asked if this looked right. I giggled. The sour look deepened. But I couldn't help it! He was wearing as much fur as he was holding! He'd been wearing a black superhero tshirt. That superhero was now wearing a rainbow fur coat!

He brought me his catch, I mean the nap mat sized piece of blanket. And tiny little things fell out on me. What is that? That, oh that, he grimaced painfully, was the ceramic micro beads. Oh, but I thought he'd empty those outside as he cut the pieces, imagining little pouches containing these even tinier than I expected, itsy bitsy teeny tiny grey bits of grey debris. Oh, but no, they are not neatly contained in the blanket. They are floating around in what little squares, stuck in the fiberfill between the sherpa and fur. The one dribbling bits on me had been shaken within inches of its life for many minutes, which explained how Greg had become fur covered. 

Oh, and extra fun, some of the squares did not get cut while making the mats so they retained all of their surprisingly heavy minuscule beads. I'm talking so small, it would take a hundred or so to make a grain or rice, maybe the size of the point of a pin, not even the head, the pointy end! Smaller than course salt! Like slightly enlarged grains of sand! I cannot imagine the process they used to create these tiny things, and being ceramic one would assume they were fired in a kiln, how did that look? Oh the question.. but I digress. Again. Sorry.So Greg would have to cut a slit in each of those uncut squares to remove the beads because we cannot have some weighted and some not weighted bits, right? I mean, these are for kitties! They deserve the best! Luckily I can hand stitch up sherpa in such a way that it hardly shows, in fact you would hardly notice if I wasn't telling you.

Back unto the breach Greg went! More cutting, more bead expelling, more grumping, more fur flying. When he was done, he said the yard had a rainbow circle. I bet ants were quite confused. Imagine coming out of your little ant hole and everything is frosted with tiny little beads, yes, even tiny to you, an ant, and bunches or pink blue yellow green and purple strands of fur. Imagine little ant holes now lined with fancy "rocks" and rainbow striped teenage ant bedrooms.. 

A few days after this, my nephew came to cut the grass. I warned him about that area of the yard, fearing that when the mower hit it, all the microbeads would be sucked up and thrown out at such a high speed that nephew would be sandblasted!

Turns out the beads were not the issue. Apparently when he went through that area all the fur went up into the mower and exited in a huge fluffy cloud. He said it looked like a Muppet exploded. Oh how I wish I had seen it!

So now beads removed, slits sewn shut, it was time to finish the edges. My plan was to use my serger with my trademark rainbow colored threads. (for those that don't sew, sergers do the stitching, edging and cutting all in one pass and you get seams like store bought clothes have) Twin2 has my serger. She would rather do the edging herself than return it. Ok, that works but, I warned her, take it outside and sew there because the fur will fly! Oh no, she said, she will sew in the kitchen where she will be able to just sweep up the fur. Nothing would dissuade her. So I let her have at it. 

About five minutes into sewing I get a facetime call. Twin2 is covered in rainbow fur and she's holding up the first mat much like Greg did, as if it were a fish she'd just caught and was slightly repulsed by it. I giggled. But I think I refrained from saying I told you so! 

I was informed by both Greg and Twin2 that I am not doing this again. Ever. 

So if you want one you might want to get your bids in! Luckily there are a few. I put up the first three right away, and the next three this week. Next week I will probably put the last of them up and since no one else appreciates how awesome this deal was, I will not be able to repeat this process in the future. Some people have no concept that kitties come first and what they like, no matter how inconvenient for the human, is a must!

I hope you enjoyed my little saga of the rainbow mats. And for reading this far, here's an obligatory kitty picture as a reward for spending your time with us!

Glitter: Boy, that was long winded, and it wasn't even about us! 

And now that you've heard about one of the wonderful things in the auction, please stop by and see the rest at the
Every bid helps the kitties, so please, bid high and bid often! Thank you for caring! 
And thank you for sharing, which you can do by using one of these banners and the link to the auction! 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Throwback Thursday A Day Late

Oh how cute kitties are when they bathe, am I right? This is a throwback to Leo's second year here, November 30th, 2012, almost ten years ago! Oh my gosh, he is NOT that old... But I digress.. Here's a post entitled "What They Do When They Think No One Is Watching: 

 Leo The Chinese Lion thinks himself alone...

Baf time, the long furs on the back of my leg take forEVER to clean and straighten..

Lickity lick lickity lick... over and over.

And all these spare toes! I'll be a year on these alone!

Ta heck with it.. I'm bored already!

Time for a play break! I bet I can rip the corner offa my shelf!

Oooo real toys down there!
That cat tree is, alas, no longer with us. Leo scratched and scratched until he wore a hole into the post, then the post fell over, TIMBER, like a felled tree! That's ok, they have a better one now! And a hammock under that favorite window there. 
I love looking at old posts of my baby, he was such a little goofball when he was younger. He still is a little bit, but not for as long a period of time. Have your kitties calmed down with age? or are they still goofy as kittens?
Have you checked out the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction yet? I just finished added new items! Lots of toys for kitties! I like to think the starting bids are pretty fair for the amount of toys in the sets. Perfect for Christmas shopping for your kitty, or perhaps an early buy for secret paws? ;) 

Every bid helps the 32 kitties of Winnie's Wish Rescue and Sanctuary, so please, bid high and bid often! You can be the difference in their furry little lives! 

Please take and share the banners! Along with the website link: https://winnieswishauction.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Leo Says No Way!

He did! He really said it! And I have the video to prove it!

It was time for his and Glitter’s second shot for their colds/allergies. So Greg rounded them up and put them in their PTUs (purrisoner transport unit) and set them in the living room while he got ready to go. That’s when I heard it. 

The indignant sound of a cat who doesn’t want to accept his reality. 

Make sure your sound is on and up!

Did you hear it?! “No way! No way!” 

I don’t think he wanted to go… 

Don’t worry, Leo. Just a quick trip this time. Sorry about your butt…


Say, did you know that the Winnie’s Wish Holiday Auction is going on right now?!

Well it is and there are some cool things on there if I say so myself. 😁 Get some early shopping done for the cat, or cat enthusiast, in your life. There are a few things for other animals too. 

Every bit, aside from shipping, goes to the kitties of Winnie’s Wish! 32 rescued cats living in a wonderful sanctuary run by the Amazon Chrystal! 
Leo, Glitter, and Cashmere are Winnie’s Wish kitties, rescued as feral kittens! I will always be grateful for how Chrystal saved and tamed my babies, and their three other sisters who were also adopted out to wonderful forever homes!

Please take a banner and share about the auction on your own blog, twitter, Facebook or other social media site! That helps the kitties too! Here's the link: https://winnieswishauction.blogspot.com/

 Thank you!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Caturday Art with Cashmere

 I just had to use one of Cashmere's pictures for Caturday Art because she's so cute when she's being a pain in the.. well you know... Seriously though, who can be mad at that face??

I used lunapic again. 

This is Beauty



And the original

Hope you liked them! 


I've added a bunch more items to the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction! Stop by and see all the googies! 
Remember, every bid helps the rescued kitties of Winnie's Wish! There are 32 cats there and you know how much food and litter they must go through! So please, bid early and bid often!

Share the banners on your blog or social media page please. Thank you!


Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Many Faces of Cashmere

 If you have cats, you know how this is going to end after the first picture. 

Cashmere: Yes, I see you over there looking at me, calling me. Don't I look impressed?

I will ignore you now. You do not exist. 

Hey! You stopped trying to get my attention and started working? I don't think so! Pay attention to ME!
I don't care if you do 'have to get this done' I'm not leaving! I will rub on this laptop and shove it with my chin until you stop and give me allllll the attention! *rub rub rub nudge nudge nudge rub rub rub* Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Are you done yet? Seriously not stopping.

And scene. Ok, who got it right? 

See, I knew you were smart cat people! 


So the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction started. Lots of good things up for bid! Please stop by, and please tell your friends! Share the badges if you can. 

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish cat rescue and sanctuary, so please, bid early and bid often! 

See you there! Thank you!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Winnie's Wish Auction Starting Today!

It's here! 
The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction is now open!! 

More items will be added all the time, be sure to check back often! My plan is to have even more up later today even! 
Every penny raised (aside from postage) goes to the kitties of Winnie's Wish.  There are over 30 cats in this wonderful rescue and sanctuary. That's a lot of food and litter and vet care, not to mention all the other things needed on a daily basis like cleaning supplies, laundry soap, heat and air and electricity. Oh I'm sure Chrystal, the wonderful lady behind Winnie's Wish, could list a lot more things, but you get the idea. There is a great need, and this is the big year end fundraiser. 
Please, help if you can by bidding and sharing. Even if you can't bid, please share! 

Here are some badges you can use. Side bar size and post size.

Have fun, and I hope you find something you like! Or that someone you know would like for the holidays! 
Thank you in advance for helping to make this a wonderful auction, like you always do! 

Once again, it's here: Winnie's Wish Auction