Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Blanket Raffle Winner Announced!

We have a winner! Let's go to the video!

We had 22 entries for the Winnie's Wish Blanket Raffle, that makes $110 raised for Winnie's Wish! 
Yay and thank you all!

And a huge congratulations to Midori Hanus on winning it!!! As I said in the video, we'll have that sent out to you as soon as possible! 

Thank you!!

I will have auction totals soon, I hope. Still waiting on the last few stragglers to get in touch with me about their wins. 
If you think you won something and haven't heard, please check your spam folder or email me right away! anniclan AT

Thank you all, love you all! You rock at helping the kitties!!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Mancat Cave Monday

 Baby it's cold outside! You can tell it's cold because the the Mancat is in the Mancat Cave! And he's got his tail wrapped around his nose. So yeah, cold! 

Leo: Not coming out until spring... or you turn the heat up, whichever comes first.

Hate to tell ya, Leo, the heat has been turned up! Guess I'll see you in spring? 


In case you didn't see over the weekend, we have extended the Raffle for the Kitty Blanket because of internet issues. 

Please share! And get your 'tickets' soon, it's over on Wednesday now! 

Every ticket sold goes to the kitties of Winnie's Wish!


The Winnie's Wish Auction is over, and we're trying to tabulate up the totals. There are a few people who won items who have not responded to emails. If you have won and haven't heard from us, please check your spam folder! Or email us at annicaln AT Soon please, we want to get the kitties their auction money before Christmas! 
If anyone knows the following people, please let them know to contact us: 
Sarah Gaido sarahzaprincess
Thank you! 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Raffle Extension

 Oh my gosh, what a week! I announced the Raffle a week ago and haven't posted since? How does that happen? 

Well for one, we had internet issues for a few days. Someone took out a transformer down the street from us and they took their sweet time fixing it. Ok, that's unfair because they were out there right away, it just took them way way way longer than expected. And when it did come back, it was spotty at best. 

Right while I was trying to finish up the auction and start the raffle! 
Even with that, I can't believe it's been a whole week! I don't even have a picture for caturday art! 
So I hope this doesn't seem unfair to those who have got their tickets to the raffle already, but I think I need to extend it until Tuesday to make up for the missing time.
 Please, please, share the raffle banners below. And Please join in! There's still time to get your hands on this wonderful kitty-ful blanket! 

Every bit of it, every single ticket, goes to help the kitties of Winnie's Wish! 

Full details on the Winnie's Wish Auction Site.

Thank you!! And again, I'm sorry for the delay and the non-posting!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Caturday Art and Last Auction Day

 I love Caturday Art! I love playing with the pictures to see what comes out good and what just looks weird. I should have saved some of the weird ones! I didn't so I hope you agree that these are good. 

I used Lunapic on Glitters Wordless Wednesday picture. 

Here's Christmas Needlework

And here's the original

Hope you liked them and we hope you are having a wonderful caturday!


Today, at midnight in fact, the Winnie's Wish Auction Ends! Get your last bids in before it's all over! 


Hold your hat! Because there's something new! 
For one week only we are having a raffle for a lovely crocheted cat blanket! I think in spite of the horrible pictures I have you can still see how really special this is! 
Read the full details on the auction site!
The auction is still there after the raffle post!

Be sure to get your 'tickets' in before next Saturday!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Flashback Friday

I hope you enjoy today's Flashback Friday post. 
It is from October 23, 2015 and was titled:  
Hey Leo!

♪♫ I can't hear you.. ♪♫

Leo.. I know you can hear me..
Sorry, busy taking a bath... I'll get back to you.. maybe.. when you lose that camera..

Leo The Chinese Lion!
Rut Ro.. she used my full name.. that's trouble..  ♪What Mommy?♪

It's Friday, I wanted you to wish your friends a happy weekend.
Weekend? Yay!!! Have a good weekend everyone!!

There's my good boy! And look! A cute little happy face fang!
Guess what??

That's right, one more day to get your bids in! It ends at Midnight Saturday, EST. 
And then you know what? You wont have to listen to me harp about it any more, lol! 

Oh but I do it for a good reason! Honest I do. There are over 30 kitties in the Winnie's Wish Rescue and Sanctuary. These are kitties that have no where else to go, they, for various reason, cannot get homes. But they have a home with Chrystal in the Winnie's Wish cat house and various other areas around her kennels and office. No one is crowded, no one has to be with cats or people they don't like. 
Because of us, you and me and other donors, they have food and litter and vet care and all the things kitties need. 

That's why I go on about it; the kitties need is great, so my need to shout from the rooftops is great too. 

So for one more day! Please please pop over to the auction if you can. Make a donation if you can. Send a Wish List item if you can. And if you can't do any of that, then please, please share the auction on your blog,  facebook, instagram, twitter or whatever social media you use! Lets make this last day the biggest one yet! 

Thank you! We really do appreciate every one of you!!
Details on the auction site, but the auction is still there too! Auction follows the post about the raffle.


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Cashmere's Thankful Thursday

Cashmere: I'm thankful for mommy because when I fall asleep like this and start making snorey-chokey noises she always wakes me up. Not so thankful that she calls me silly for trying to choke myself to death during a nap.. I mean, who needs the comments right? Still, she keeps me alive, so I guess I'm pretty thankful. 


We are all really really thankful for every one of you! 

We're so very thankful for those who help us share about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction and who stop by and have a peek! So thankful and grateful for the bids that help the Wisher Kitties! 

There are just a few days left! Make sure you get your bids in and please continue to share! Let's make a very Merry Holiday for the Wishers! 

Here are a few of the thankful Wishers so you can see exactly who you're helping!


Argh, here it is Thursday already and I haven't posted about the surprise I told you about! Give me a little more time and I promise you wont be disappointed! 
Here's a better picture of it folded up. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Wordless Wednesday with Glitter




That's it. Saturday! The last day to bid on anything in the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction is this Saturday by Midnight EST. 
There are LOTS of wonderful things still waiting for bids, why don't you have a peek? 

Spread the word, if you can, that there are just a few days left to do some holiday shopping and help the kitties at the same time! 
Thank you!



Monday, December 5, 2022

Mancat Monday

 I tried to come up with a cute title for today's post. Manhandling Monday.. Mancathandling Monday... Mancatpawing Monday... Nope, not right. On with the picture then!

Leo: I'm not touching you.
Cashmere: You are too.
Leo: Am not. 
Cashmere: Are too!
Leo: Not!
Cashmere: Are!
Leo: Not.. not much anyway, hee hee
Cashmere: That's a lot! 
Leo: It's only one paw!
Cashmere: One of your paws is like two of anyone elses..
Leo: Heh heh heh, can't argue with that.
Cashmere: So are you going to move it?
Leo: Eh, probably not. 
Cashmere: Are you trying to make me leave?
Leo: Me? I would never... Ok, maybe I would.. But really you're just laying exactly where I need to stretch out my paws. 
Cashmere: .......

Yeah, my boy can be a brat. He's not fond of sharing. At least it didn't come down to whappy paws this time!


Y'all, I believe I have everything up on the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction now! 
A good thing, too, since it ends completely on this coming Saturday, the 10th! 

I have the last of the Rainbow Fur & Sherpa Nap Mats up, so now's the time if you're going to nab one. I worked hard to get some more crochet cat toy sets done this weekend and I think you'll like them. Not to mention there are still several items with no bids. 
Time is running out, get your bids in now! 

Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish. 32 adorable Wishers need food and litter and vet care, not to mention everyday things like laundry and heat and air conditioning and, well, if you have pets, you know there's always something needed. 

If you don't see something you want to bid on, consider making a donation, or using the Amazon Wish List to help directly. 

If you can't do any of that, please share about the auction by using the banners below on your social media. 

Thank you all so much, from me, Chrystal, and the kitties! 

Here are just some of the items awaiting bids: 

Customizable items:
And many more! Stop by the Winnie's Wish Auction to see everything!