Thursday, January 31, 2013

Stringie's Song!

Tonight's pun song from Greg is to the tune of Mary had a little lamb!

Leo had a piece of string, piece of string, piece of string
Leo had a piece of string, it was his favorite toy
Everywhere that Leo slept, Leo slept, Leo slept,
Everywhere that Leo slept, the string was sure to be
He tried to tie up Star with it, Star with it, Star with it
He tried to tie up Star with it, just like a real bad boy
She tied his string in knots so fast, knots so fast, knots so fast
She tied his string in knots so fast, her paws her hard to see
Star carried his string away, string away, string away
Star carried his string away, and said "this belongs to me"
Leo got another string, another string, another string
Leo got another string, and hid this one away!

And then, being the punny guy he is, Greg said, "Sounds like a knotty girl and naughty boy to me." hee hee!

Speaking of sleeping with stringies! Here's my boy in his usual sleeping spot.

Oh, more Leo sleeping with this stringie? Wait, look closer... That's not Leo! That's Star sleeping with the stringie! How did that happen?? No idea, but it's just as cute, isn't it?

Boy can you see a difference in our phone cameras... The pictures of Leo are on my phone during the day with the lights on. The pictures of Star are on Greg's phone at night with the lights on. I seriously need some sleeping with the stringie pictures on the regular camera, I bet they'd turn out a lot better!


Sparkle said...

I'm surprised Star got near that string, since Leo loves it so much!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Leo and Star seems to love sleeping on the stringie - maybe they'll have to get a stringie each so there's no arguments at nap time!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Mr Puddy said...

Pretty unique sleeping ; )

Cats Herd You said...

Well, you can't have a string close enough at hand when you wake up from a nap!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

They look so peaceful and cute, you just want to snuggle next to them!
Carine (Texas' human)

Dma said...

good one greg.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !....noe way...itz got burd stuff on de end....thoze featherz gotta go buddy for they make ya crazed....

:) !!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was darn good stringing n' singing!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Now we're gonna be singing that song!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Great pun song! We are gonna hafta get a thick stringie to try out playin with. Thats something we HAVENT had!

Gigi said...

Now we're humming. We lubbed the pictures, though we protest that Leo got to be in the "good" pictures and Star got the 2nd-rate shots. It's an outrage.

There's nuffing sweeter than a sleeping kitteh, is there?

Clooney said...

Oh kitties, you both are so sweet! We like your song! Have a great weekend folks!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

MOL. Knotty girl. HAHAHAHA!

LP said...

You two love stringing your people along!! Heehee. Too cute that you both like to sleep with your stringies :)
Tell your Mama that when we visit lately, we can't find the comment button. What's up with that?!

the critters in the cottage xo

LP said...

You two love stringing your people along!! Heehee. Too cute that you both like to sleep with your stringies :)
Tell your Mama that when we visit lately, we can't find the comment button. What's up with that?!

the critters in the cottage xo