Saturday, January 5, 2013


Star: Blogger still won't let mom upload any new pictures.. this is old, previously posted, but it displays my feelings on the matter.

Leo: Is it blogger or booger? Either way, I don't like the look in mommy's eyes.. someone is gonna get an earful. I think I'll go under the bed for a while. Have a good weekend!


Sparkle said...

I've seen a number of Blogger bloggers complaining about this today! I hope they get it fixed - I want to see new photos of my friends!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We hope Blogger gets itself sorted out really soon.

Fur Everywhere said...

Uh-oh... We did not know Blogger wasn't working right. We hope it gets itself back on track soons cause mommy has some pictures of us to post!

Carmine and Milita

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

I too want to see more pics of you. Blogger should do something! I bet Blogger is run by humans!

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope this gets fixed fast. We have a couple of friends with the same problem.

The Florida Furkids

Dma said...

I love that picture. Your look speaks volumes.

Marg said...

It seems a lot of people are having that problem. Jan over at Funny Farmers wrote a post all about resizing your pictures so they don't take up so much room. It is a pain. Love your picture.Take care.

Katnip Lounge said...

Star, Booger better hope it doesn't meet you in a dark alley!

Gigi said...

UTB is a fine place to spend a relaxing few hours, far away from the crazy rantings of the Humans, the drone of electronic gadgets, and the general meaningless hustle and bustle the Humans seem to require. Hope your Blogger starts cooperating with you. We have had our irritating times with it, though not lately, Knock wood!

The Island Cats said...

Others have been complaining of the same thing. We sure hope it gets fixed SOON!

LP said...

Hi Guys! We haven't been able to browse and access our photo files at all on Blogger-so no new posts at all! Ugh. Couldn't yesterday or today.Hope it's resolved soon as we miss our friends! Paws crossed for you too :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Unknown said...

Me is happy we is using Wordpress. We has had some minor glitches, but not for a long, long, time.

Anonymous said...

Cat with attitude love it xxx

Pretinha said...

Espero que sua mamãe consiga resolver o problema rapidamente, antes de pegar uma bronca.


I read something about the pic problem being an issue with IE. is that your browser? You could try using Chrome or Firefox if you have a PC. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We use Firefox and were able to load a picture. Hope things get straightened out soon!

meowmeowmans said...

OH! We are so sorry to hear this has not yet been resolved for you. We miss seeing new pics of you!

Oui Oui said...

Sorry you are having blogger problems. Maybe you can write to them, they have a "feedback" thingy at the bottom of the comments section.

Thanks for your kind comments when our mom wasn't feeling well. We hope you get over the blogger problems soon and have a great New Year.

Gigi said...

Hey Kitties! We hope that your Mommy is just being all layzee-pants and that Blogger is not still all broken and stuff. I think you prolly better come out from UTB now, anyway! XOXOXO, Star darling. I misses you!

Cathy Keisha said...

So I think we narrowed the problem down the IE. Do you have any other browses you can use until they ix it?