Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Selfie with Cashmere

 Cashmere: Well hello, I guess we're getting all up close and personal today. Ok, but only if you are generous with the chin scritches and belly rubs!


 Love this pretty girl. She's Greg's baby all the way, she waits for him, watches him, and demands his lap any time he sits down. Yes, he's owned by a kitty whether he likes it or not!

Notice the line down her nose? it's one of her cutest features along with her dark eye liner and her gray kissy lipstick, the latter of which rarely shows in pictures. 



Updates: Greg is still down with his broken foot, another month probably. Slow healing. But he's going to try going back to work three days a week, fingers and paws crossed that he doesn't do any more damage!

We lost Greg's dad in the early morning hours after Easter. With Covid and other issues the funeral was a whole week later. It's kind of why we've been a bit absent. 

I've been in therapy again, hoping to get strong enough to get out of the house again and to work on fundraiser stuff more. I have some projects in the works and will show them off soon. And since it's out there on other blogs on my behalf, I'll just say that yes, I do take commission work for many of the items I put on auction; puffy beds, crochet beds, nip toy sets, taco toys, lots of it. I will probably put something up about it with pictures and more info sometime soon. It's exciting to have items going out without the work and worry of a big auction at the moment!


Happy Sunday everyone! Hope you all have a great day!           




Katie Isabella said...
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Katie Isabella said...

I'm particularly glad for an update on your husband. I was going to ask today. And your puffy beds are something that my girl won't get out of! She spent 23 hours of 24 in there. She found that bed to be THE single most best bed she has ever had. And those fish and shrimp...I think all the adults love them as much as the cats. Not to play, the adults, but to look. And for you...I so hope therapy takes hold and lifts you up out of all the discomfort. Leo...come on over. bring the girls.

Catscue said...

What a stunning kitty you are Cashmere - you deserve lots of chin scritches and belly rubs today. I'm glad your Dad is getting better and we're so sorry for your loss this Easter. We're sending purrs and prayers your way and some special pawsitives for your Mom.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We love her little line it is so cute. A wonderful selfie Cashmere. We hope you both are feeling better and can get into summer slowly. Purrs

pilch92 said...

Beautiful selfie. I am so sorry for your loss. And I hope Greg heals soon. XO

Adorapurr said...

Cashmere, yoo take a beautiful pikchure. I'm sowwy to hear yoor Daddy broked his paw. But at least he's staying put so yoo can dominate... I mean, keep him company. Our sincere condolences for yoor Grandpa. Losing loved ones during this pandemic is always heartbreaking, as we too have lost loved ones. Sending love and purrs to yoor whole family.

Marvelous Marv said...

What a glorious photo of Cashmere. She is such a gorgeous cat! We are happy that your husband is doing better. And we have always lived the items you create! They are all marvellous. We have a kicker from way back when that was in the bottom of the toy box here for a long time. Marv discovered it around Christmas and he LOVES it!

BellaDharma an LadyMew said...

Mee-yow Cahsmere yore a putty kitty girl.
Miss Andrea you mite not know mee~mee iss BellaDharma LadyMew'ss (LadyMum'ss) mew cat!! WEll not so mew (new) as mee bin here since Septemburr 2018. Anyhow...LadyMew meowed to mee 'bout an Mistur Greg an what kewl peepell you mee had to come vissit.
Mee sendss POTP to you for Phizz-eo an fore Mistur Greg'ss paw to heal well.
An wee sorry 'bout his PawPaw goin to Purr Land. May his memory bee fore a Blessin!
***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew aka Sherri-Ellen

Dash Kitten Crew said...

I hope your dad heals well soon, its nice to see you back though!

meowmeowmans said...

We love your selfie, Cashmere!

So sorry for your loss, dear friends. And we are purring for Greg.

Summer said...

Cashmere is so lovely. I hope your husband's foot heals thoroughly, and I'm very sorry about his dad.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am sorry for the loss of Greg's dad. I am glad his foot is healing, albeit slowly. I hope the therapy helps you too. That is a lovely selfie of Cashmere.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a terrific pretty girl selfie. We're so sorry to hear about Greg's Dad, hugs.

The Island Cats said...

Cashmere is such a pretty girl. Love this close up of her. We’re sorry for your loss....and healing purrs for Greg.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Cashmere, you are so beautiful in your selfie photo. We love the close-up shot of you. So many wonderful features. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals South Philadelphia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sorry about the sad stuff. It's hard to lose beins, and feet are imPAWtant. Purrs...