Thursday, March 12, 2015

Girlcat Power

Yesterday's Wordless Wednesday had Leo looking up at a feathery toy that has had corn husks dangling in the middle of it. The corn husks seemed to drive all of the cats crazy, which is probably why there is not one single bit of husk left on it.

Leo prefers to wait until the girls are tired out and done with it before he jumps in and gets the toy. Or he will wait until they are sleeping and get a private turn that way. The girls have no patience and, if I don't watch them, will steal it from it's hiding spot.

This clearance aisle, buck and a half little toy is a big hit around here!

Cashmere: Chomp! Love these crunchy husks!

Cashmere: Come here closer.. I want to see about this plastic string part too!

Glitter: Thank you for bringing it closer to me. You know I prefer to lean on things, even while playing!

Glitter: Oh feathers! I must lick the feathers!

Glitter: Lick lick lickity lick!
Cashmere: No no no, chomping is the best part! Alright, I got the plastic string bit but I'd rather have that husk part. Can you let go now?

Glitter: For a moment.. half a moment, ok.
Cashmere: Sure sure.. Ah husk bits, you're mine now!
Glitter: Ok, give it back now!
Cashmere: Sorry.. cant.. it's stuffed in my mouff. *gnaw chew nibble*

Glitter: Nice going. Mom moved the toy and I had to get up!
Cashmere: Don't worry, we'll get it back again.. At least *I* plan on getting it!

Cashmere: HA! Bear hug! Told ya I'd get it again!!

Glitter: *swish!* Rats! Missed it!

Glitter: Got it! Oh feathers, you're in for the licking of your life now! Numnumnum!

Yeah, she got it alright. Both of them did. You can see bits of husk around on the floor in some of the pictures. It only took them a while to get it all out of there. (mostly Cashmere worked on the husk removal project, Glitter concentrated on feathers, like her brother does!)


I believe most of the money has come in from the auction by now and it did great! We're still looking for a few people to make sure they know they won some items, so I don't have any totals yet. Still, so far it's awesome!

There's still a ways to go to reach the goal of $5000 to add the new cat room on the Winnie's Wish cat house though. And now there's the roof to repair too. So if you can, please help out by using the gofundme, or even the paypal button either on my sidebar or the daily dose sidebar! Every bit helps! Maybe even give five dollars for the Daily Dose five year blogoversary that was yesterday? (That Chrystal missed because of how busy things have been with snow, water, and mud, whoops!)

Thank you to everyone who has already helped and to everyone who participated in the auction!


The Island Cats said...

What a cool toy! The mom always checks the clearance section at the pet store and occasionally finds a bargain there.

Eastside Cats said...

Lights! Camera! Action!

Sweet Purrfections said...

That looks like a wonderful toy. Glad to hear the auction went well.

Hannah and Lucy said...

That looks like a popular toy.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Unknown said...

That is cool! None of us will play together with the string toys. Wes waits for our turn.

Summer said...

Crinkly corn husks and birdie feathers? No wonder that toy was such a winner!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow Girls. You don't believe in half measures, do you?

The Chans

Photo Cache said...

This post proves it: girls rool!!!!

Emma and Buster

The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like a cool toy ! Great play session together ! We're glad the auction went well.