Friday, March 6, 2015

Cashmere Under Cover

I'm heading toward crunch time with Twin 1's wedding! I know from Twin 2's wedding last year that I will not have as much time to visit (and sometimes post) as much as I want to. I'll do my best to read everyone, but if you don't see me comment, please know it's not because I don't love you and your blogs, because I do! I just have to put most of my time and energy into this wedding. Two months is going to fly by!

On with the post!

While I've been working on shower invitations I've had my big computer in the living room where I can get at the printer easily (old printer not totally compatible with my new laptop, argh). Being a small room, there is really only one place to put it. Over the Royal Footstool which now houses one of the Ham-micks, topped by the flannel beddy Glitter stole confiscated commandeered from the Cozy Kitty FUNdraiser. A favorite of both girls!

Greg noticed that Cashmere was still using said double layered nappy spot and tried to get pictures with his cell phone. No flash on the cell phone.. So the pictures aren't the greatest, but you can see how squishy it is under the table and on the bed on top of the footstool!

Cashmere: What? There is too enough room for me under here! So what if my ears are touching..

Cashmere: Good spots are worth a little crowding.. Besides, this is one of the few times Glitter isn't hogging the Super Stack Sleepy Spot during prime napping hours!
We hope you all snag a great sleep spot this weekend! Have a great one!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the auction! It was great! Most of the money from it is in already, just waiting on a few! We'll announce a total when we have one!
We are so close to the goal of building the new cat room at Winnie's Wish! If you haven't yet, please check out the gofundme and see!
Don't forget they could use extra because of the roof damage from the last ice storm, so we're hoping to go over goal enough to pay for that too! Please use the share buttons on the gofundme site if you can! Thank you!!


The Island Cats said...

Cashmere has her own little cat cave there. :)

pilch92 said...

Cashmere is a cutie! Have fun with all the wedding prep, it is such a fun time.

Hannah and Lucy said...

What a great place to take a nap Cashmere.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Photo Cache said...

Cashmere you are very clever to find a cozy spot without intrusions from human.

Emma and Buster

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great spot you have there Cashmere.

Clooney said...

Cashmere, what a fun hiding place you have!

meowmeowmans said...

That looks super comfy cozy to us, Cashmere! It's a purrfect spot. :)

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

Cashmere you can just have whatever nappy spot you want

Katnip Lounge said...

NOTHING is better than a CAVE!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thats a comfy (an familiar-lookin) hammick!