Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sandy Claws Exchange

Well, we had a lovely Christmas.. Please note there is a touch of sarcasm in those words. Being sick, I missed just about everything. And the kitties had gift exchange of sorts.

But why doesn't that make me happy, you might ask. Well, the gifts they gave each other were not of the sweet variety. No, not even close. And we had to hold them down to remove the gifts.

Sandy Claws gifts.

Ok, maybe they weren't sandy, but they were claws. They exchanged claw sheaths to the face. Isn't that the sweetest thing?

Star's was very evident, her face fur is thin and sparse so it was easy to find and remove, once her daddy held her still enough. You'd think she'd be happy to get rid of it. Leo's we found later. His face fur is thicker and full, and his was in his cheek verses between the eye and ear. We just knew there was something funny. So in his case, I did the holding and Greg did the pulling. Yup, an even exchange of claws.


I suppose we should be grateful, there have been few altercations, even if one did result in the aforementioned gifties.

On the good side, Star has been coming up to bed more. That might be the results of a new bedside feature we have. Temptations kitty treats. She KNOWS they are up there, she wants them. It's a good thing she doesn't know exactly where they are stored, or she'd ransack the room for them. But at least we get to see her up there more.

And here is another good present! When she gets those treats, she and Leo share the bed! At the same time! Leo, of course, won't touch treats for some weird reason, but he gets pets. So we're making them associate good things with sharing the bedroom. Hope it works!

And we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The first few days of it anyway. Today being the Third Day of Christmas!

Saw these recently, had to share them!




Greg says I forgot to add the song that goes with the kitties gift exchange.. So here it is, sung to the tune of Jingle Bells.
I've got an old Tom Cat
And Santa is his name
I keep him nice and fat
But he hates me just the same
He got at me today
With those needles in his paws
And now I'm wearing bandages
On account of Santa's Claws!
(chorus doesn't go with the theme, but what the heck)
Jangle Bells, Jangle Bells, Jangle all the way.
We don’t know all the words but we’ll sing it anyway.
Jangle Bells, Jangle Bells, Ringin’ loud and gay.
We’ll be hearin’ Jangle Bells from now till Christmas Day.


Sparkle said...

As my human's boyfriend says (and it is about the only wise thing he says), "Progress, not perfection." I hope this is just one of those two-steps-forward-one-step-back kind of things!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

You exchanged claw sheaths for Christmas? We're glad no one got injured in the process. How about exchanging kitty kisses NEXT Chrismtas?

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Awww, fights sometimes happen. It is nice to see there is still progress though.
Sending purrs to all of you!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Star and Leo sharing the bed - now that is good news!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

((((hugs)))) for better days ahead!

Dma said...

leo doesn't like treats? theo said he'll be right over to "share" Leo's treats...

Marilia said...

OMG! So pretty pics!

Cats Herd You said...

I hope they know that Santa is keeping track, and that whole claw sheath exchange is going on next year's "naughty or nice" roster!

Random Felines said...

ummm - not exactly the gift exchange you two should have been having. :)

Unknown said...

It makes our HuMom glad to know that our Chrismas tree isn't the only one with spirited gift exchanges. Ours is accompanied by our beautiful singing, or hissing. Such a festive sound. Oh, we'll. that's the joy of having cats. Right?
Purrs to you,
Mistletoe & Hitch

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well being actually on the bed at the same time is pretty darn good!

Kat said...

We're sorry to hear you were feeling sick! We hope you recover soon and had a Merry Christmas!
Love and hugs xxoo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh Bast, we hope evrything has calmed down! Mebbe you guys should try some Feliway. We love it.

Meanwhile, we loved all the pictures! Can we steal that first one of the tree covered with cats for our cards next year? Just for our Bein friends...

Cara n Crew said...

aw, rats! well, we hope things have calmed down. we like the poem :) purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Gigi said...

We love your song. We're sorry Mommy was sick. And once one of the Kitties Who Came Before losted a BIG incisor toof because he bited his brofur sooooo hard. And *they* were the best of furiends! Go figure!

Mollie said...

Love the pictures :) So sorry Humom was poorly, a lot of peeps have been this year..Big hugs all round xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Photo Cache said...

Happy New Year kitties.

Emma and Buster

Gigi said...

Hi sweet Star and Brat Kitteh! I hope peace reigns at your house today!!

Katie Isabella said...

Star....Leo, PLEASE don't DO that!!!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Pretty sure that isn't the gift exchange that should be...

Sweet Purrfections said...

We don't think that's the kind of gift exchange Santa Claus had in mind.

Anonymous said...

Hi There Merry Christmas. Just wanted to say the cats and visitors over the few days love the ornaments xxx