Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rappin' with Leo

Rappin' or wrapping? Eh, either way.

Greg saw this the other day just before Christmas. I don't know that I've really seen Leo sleep in daddy's chair, but he must have felt that since it was a fort of sorts, that it was boy territory!


Aw, boy, you found my secret fort!

Guess it's time to leave then. *smack smack yawn*

It was a little low ceilinged anyway..

That about wraps it up!

We hope you all have a good weekend filled with lots of interesting naps!


Mr Puddy said...

MOL...the second photo make me laugh.
What A spot ?...Ha..Ha..ha

Sparkle said...

Over here, there would have been WHAPS traded over who got a cool napping spot like that!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

If you could get your Mommy to drape a nice long flowing cloth over that, it would be PURRFECT!

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow....that's a really great fort!!! We're jealous!!

The Florida Furkids

Cats Herd You said...

That's an awesome secret fort!
And MOL at "that about wraps it up." Just don't wrap it up while Leo is in it.

Hope you have a great, nap-filled weekend, too!

Marg said...

That does look like a great man cave. What fun Leo. Have a great Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Love it LOL x

Dma said...

Looks like the fort was star-proof...

Just Mags said...

Leo that looks like a perfect place to hide out and snooze. Good job discovering it. Too bad they found your secret place. Hugs and nose kisses

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we hope you have a good weekend too!

Katnip Lounge said...

That WAS a nice cozy spot...dang camera!

The Island Cats said...

That is a cool fort!!

Cathy Keisha said...

Do you have my picture in your man cave, Leo? HAH! Whoa, your humans have more wrapping paper than mine.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, I know what ya mean! TBT put our new kittie bIanky over a hut on the cat tree. It was onIy one entrance uncovered and it was darker, so I moved right in. It was great! ~ MarIey

Mr. Black said...

We kitties really do like "forts." No one can jump on you from the top, back, or sides! An awesome place to take a nap!

Unknown said...

That looks like a cool fort!
Has a purrfect weekend!

GLOGIRLY said...

That's a very clever privacy shield you've got there!
; ) Katie

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Maybe he was also hoping for the presents to fall from the sky ;-)

Gigi said...

Leo! Did you klonk your widdle heddy on that stuff?? Careful, Pal, you can't afford to lose too many more brain cells. Just sayin'.

Hi Star, Darling XOXOXOXOXO

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was some mighty fine wrapping pal!

Berts Blog said...

I like those low ceiing resting spots too. When I was gone for so long, last month, thinking that I had died, my family gave away my secret hiding spot.

Now I have to find another one. I think I'll just go check out the closet with the Christmas Wrapping. You have given me an idea.

Nice to meet you


Now that is a fine place to hide out.

Anonymous said...

MOL! Smart one that Leo! He knew a good spot to nap where he could easily protect himself if Miss Star tried to put the hustle on him!!