Thursday, December 20, 2012

Lip Licking Good!

Yesterday's picture of Leo with his tongue out was not easy to get, but I got it by taking lots of pictures as soon as he finished eating. Leo has a weird habit at snack time. He eats for a little bit, then takes a break, then goes back. It's not a long break. In fact, sometimes it's little more than just turning in a circle and going face down again.

This particular time, he moved away to sit and lick his chops for a few minutes. So I started snapping, as I was looking for a wide open mouth picture. The tongue was a happy accident that I didn't even notice until I downloaded the pictures to the computer.

Here's the series.

Hmm, that was tasty.

*smack smack* Cheesy!
*lickity lick* In fact..

..Tastes like more!


Mr. Black said...

It IS fun to get a photo by accident that can then be used for fun captions that really have nothing to do with what was really going on! Of course, I am usually able to avoid getting my picture taken at all.

Fuzzy Tales said...

It's a great photo series. :-)

There's always something so adorable about kitty tongues, caught in the act of lip smacking (or grooming).

Brian's Home Blog said...

I feel silly when that happens to me! That was a fun pic series!

Sparkle said...

I will stick my tongue out at the very thought of food, so I am easier to catch on camera!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, I like to go away and back from the food bowls a many times too! ~ AYLA

Anonymous said...

Your coat is in beautiful condition x

Anonymous said...

Your coat is in beautiful condition x

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

good job!

Dma said...

leo would have to learn not to do that in our house. any break in eating would lead to one of the boyz sneaking in some extra food.

The Island Cats said...

The mom is always trying to get shots like that of us. Every once in awhile, she gets lucky. Great photo!

Mollie said...

Leo, youz not wasting dat food in the bowl..MOL I down mine in one :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie