Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Prototype Thief

I forgot I was going to post pictures of Star with the prototypes of the ornament balls for the Winnie's Wish Fundraiser! I must have made about six different ones, and they kept disappearing! I stuffed them, but never even sewed the hole up because I was just seeing if they were round.
Let me tell you, making a round ball is not as easy as it sounds! I tried making patterns off of the kitties toys, didn't work. I looked some up on line, and got football shapes instead of round.. I finally found one that I could alter a little and get a pretty round ball! And that one disappeared too..
It was Star. She stole every one of them and batted them around the house. Every time I saw one, I'd snatch it up and sew it shut so she didn't lose stuffing all over the house! I'm pretty sure they're all sewn now.. I hope.. At the moment, I only know where three of them are. And that's because Star batted them through the livingroom today!
I made them out of denim because I had some worn out jeans that I was going to toss out and then thought what the heck, they can be prototypes! There is no nip in these balls, but Star loves them just the same. She scoops them up with her claws and throws them around! She's gotten pretty good at it, but it's soooo hard to catch her with the camera! Digital is so slow!
Anyway, here's the pictures I got!

This is my ball and I am not going to share it. Got that, barbarian? M. I. N. E. Mine.

Getting ready to attack it.. the secret is to not let it catch you looking at it..

Then snatch it! Bwhahahaha!
(see my tooth? I was serious!)

I dived under the Royal Footstool after it!
Mom missed that with the flashy box, hee hee!

Alright, something is happening out the door, playing is on hold now.
See two balls in this picture? Both MINE!

Don't forget our Fundraiser! Ornaments for your tree, or use them as toys for your pets! Catnip is optional! And now, so are squeakers for doggies! (They are ordered and will arrive within a week I hope!) So lots of fun for kitties and doggies if you prefer them as toys!

The FUN FUN FUNdraiser toy sets are still available too! Presents for kitties!


Sparkle said...

It looks to me like you did a GREAT job getting that ball round! And it looks like lots of fun too.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Those balls look pretty round to us! Perfect for batting around. Lucky Star!

Marg said...

Oh Star, those look like great toys. Two Two loves to play with balls the same way. They look like great ornaments but wouldn't be on a tree for very long here. Take care.

Hannah and Lucy said...

What great toys - those balls look just right for a good whapping.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Dma said...

obviously star approves of your work.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wonderful job advertising, Star! We can't wait to get our ornaments!

The Chans

Fuzzy Tales said...

Star, your human just doesn't fully appreciate all your hard work with quality control!

Cats Herd You said...

Good job, Star! It looks like those balls are really a lot of fun.

Marilia said...

Good job Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LP said...

I guess you could say Star gives the ornaments two paws up! Heehee.

the critters in the cottage xo

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...


I nominated you for some awards: http://texascatny.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/another-this-that-and-a-lot-of-thank-yous/


Cathy Keisha said...

Whoa! someone never heard the word Share! If I lived with you, you'd never have to worry about where your balls are. Wait, that didn't sound right. MOL

Random Felines said...

we like the size of that toy....big enough to whack around and grab. :) we lose toys around here all the time.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well the prototype sure was a success!

Anonymous said...

Wow you must be exhausted :-)

Ingrid said...

It's certainly difficult to be creative with a darling cat who steals your material and plays with it,lol !

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Cool how cat just knows the BEST toys to play with! Hmm--will you share with me...?


Mr. Black said...

Star is a heckuva product tester.

Nice job on those!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Too fast for the flashy box! WooHoo! Great balls!

Gigi said...

You know what??? Those are my favrit kind of mice and balls too! Lightweight and made of fabric so I can plays wif them MYSELF and toss them around really far and not have to wait for my BORING, LAME Human to toss them for me. I can be self-sufficient!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We bet Brulee would enjoy those because she loves to carry around Mom Paula's socks. Have you made any toys out of old socks?

Pee ess - we love your header!

Anonymous said...

I play with my toys too when no one is looking...I don't like to be watched...good one for you Star keeping Mom guessing where her prototype balls were going...paw pats, Savannah