Sunday, March 14, 2021

Leo's Sunday Selfie

 Leo: Hey everyone! I'm sure you're wondering why I look a bit annoyed in my Sunday Selfie, right? Lemme tell ya! Our daddy went and broke his hind paw, I mean, foot. No, that's not the annoyance, we feels bad for him for that part. The annoyance is that he gets around the house on some really weird rollie thingie that mom says is called a knee walker but we think looks like a quad-bike thingie that he rides like a tall scooter complete with motorcycle handlebars! Lemme tell ya, when he goes scootin' through the house, we scatter!  

I mean, it's nice that he's sittin' in the recliner a lit and we can pile on him when we're not piled on mommy, but man, I don't like that thing!

Glitter does though, she steals it and naps on it, saying the 'seat' is perfectly sized for her. To each their own I guess, she can have it!  
A quick reminder that we are going to have a raffle soon, hopefully this week, for a velvet fancy sofa for kitties! I'll share a picture as soon as I can! 


pilch92 said...

Handsome selfie. I hope your dad heals soon. XO

Marvelous Marv said...

Hi Leo! Wow! You are as cute as Nellie told me! And we hope your Dad heals soon. Strange things in the house really bother us too! We hope you all have a marvellously happy Day!

Katie Isabella said...

Ohhhh a red velvet couch! I want it.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We went all freako when pawppy had to use a walker for a while, and a quad cane for even longer...thankfully he put them both in the closet! But there was no seat to use as a throne...

Hope your Dad heals up well. Broken feet are no fun...just ask petcretary how she knows...LOL!

Timmy Tomcat said...

That sounds like a weird thing Leo. Even weirder than our Dads wheeled chair thingie

Summer said...

Ouch! I hope your male human heals soon. That sounds like a really strange contraption.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope your dad heals soon. That is a handsome selfie.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a fabulous selfie Leo! Oh no, poor Dad, we all send purrs and prayers for quick healing.

The Island Cats said...

Your poor dad. I hope he heals quickly and gets rid of that wheelie thing. Reminds me of when the mom got her hip replaced and she had this big metal thing that she used when she walked. I was scared of that thing. ~Ernie

meowmeowmans said...

Nice selfie, Leo! We are sorry to hear about your dad's foot. We sure hope it heals up real soon.