Please indulge me as I use my thanksgiving picture from when Star was with us and before the girls came. I love it! And I haven't had time to make anything new..
We have not posted much lately. Ok, at all. My last post should tell you why. We are still very much worried about my mom. Last time I said she was unconscious; she was unconscious for a full week. She woke up with what they call ICU Syndrome, unable to move her arms or legs, fingers, anything. And she still had the pneumonia. She started therapy right away to get strength back and it looked like it was going to be a quick recovery. Then her pneumonia flared again for a bit. She moved to a step down hospital for more therapy hoping to stay just a little while then move to an intensive rehab facility. Every time it seems like she's ready to move there, something happens. She got sick, very sick. I got sick, I am sure it's the same thing. She stopped eating and stopped trying at therapy. All she wants to do is sleep. this is not helped by a new heart medication that is causing her other issues.
Since she can't move, we are taking turns being there to feed her meals. Of course, like I said, she's not wanting to eat right now.
I know this seems like a very 'down' post, but even in the midst of this, I have lots to be thankful for. We did not lose her! I am so grateful for that! She can recover, I'm so grateful for that! Meds can be changed so she will do more than sleep, and I'll be grateful when the doctors make those changes.
Piper, my mom's pretty kitty, is at my sisters house. Piper is a shy kitty and does not come out for anyone. My sister was used to spending at least one night a week at my moms before all of this and Piper would come out once my sister was sitting down and quiet. She would even sit between her and my mom on the couch.
Once Piper was taken to my sisters house, she was shown her food and litter and then she went straight down to the basement and said, "bye people!" and basically hid from them. But did eat and wander the house when they were sleeping or away. They did not see her however.
Then one day she explored a spare bedroom and no one knew it. The door got closed because that's how it's supposed to be. And Piper stopped coming out for her meals. Uh oh... My sister heard a quiet peep after she'd not been seen for 14 hours. She opened the spare room and Piper ran into the closet. My sister got her out of the closet and out of the room and she ran back to the basement, stopping to eat! A little while later my sister was at her computer and something tapped her leg. Piper peeped at her, probably lecturing her about not closing her in that room any more and hey, give me more food ok? So Sister gave her more food. A little while later Piper tapped her on the leg again. A little more food. And now Piper talks to her and comes out! Apparently she does not like being so alone after all!
The blind Yorkie my sister has, Nala, told Piper she was not allowed on her bed. But there have been no other issues between them. They are not friends, but they are not enemies either. I'm sure both will be happy when Piper gets to go back home with her mommy, my mommy!
If you pray, please pray for my mom and the rest of us! We're all exhausted and we all want mom home! Thank you!!
I had planned on having an auction for Winnie's Wish in November. As you can see, that's probably not gonna happen.. Time is running away fast! But Winnie's Wish still has many needs. They are in the middle of a huge TNR situation and while all the surgeries are taken care of thanks to a gofundme, they didn't anticipate how long each kitty would be with her before surgeries (because of how hard it is to catch them, they cannot count on getting them the day of or even the day before surgery) and after during recovery. This is taking lots of extra litter and food.
Although the great news is that a few of them are getting homes because they are friendly! Yay!!!
But the need for food and litter is still there, for the regular crew and the stop overs. So if you can, during this wonderful season of giving, please think of donating to Winnie's Wish or using their Wish List button and sending something from Amazon! Every little bit helps!
To donate, you can use the donate button on the Daily Dose blog's sidebar. (it's under the section about her books)
To use the Wish List click the banner below:
Sales of the two wonderful books Chrystal wrote also benefit Winnie's Wish! If you haven't bought them, do yourself a favor and get them now! One about cat and dog rescue, the other is a children's book on kindness. If you've already got them, consider getting more copies as gifts!
Thank you, everyone, for your patience while we are dealing with my mom's illness, and for everything you have done, and will do, for Winnie's Wish! We love you all, you are the best, kindest, people on the internet!

I'm glad to see you post, but I'm so sorry about your mom. We will purr and pray for her and you and your sister. I'm so glad that Piper is being more social now. Shy kitties just need more time to adjust. It sounds like she is getting great care while your mom is in the hospital. I truly hope your mom recovers soon <3
I am deeply sorry about your mom. I can completely understand where you're coming from. Bless you and love to you and your own babies there and to Piper and your sister and certainly to your mom. XXXX
We are purring and praying for your mom.
Purrs and prayers to you and your Mom from all of us. We sure hope your Mom feels better soon and we've glad Piper is trying to give it a go. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Our thoughts, purrs and prayers are with you and your family.
You have some blessings and I am glad your mum is still with you. Something to be Thankful for. The cats would be in a much worse state without Winnie's Wish.
I'm sending lots of purrs to you mom - I hope she turns a corner soon on her recovery. I'm glad Piper has decided to be more social now. Have a warm Thanksgiving.
If not sharing the bed is the worst it gets, everything is going to be a-okay. :) Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Turkey Day! Sending healing purrz to you and your mom.
Purrayers & POTP for your Mom and her kitty Piper !
Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends!
I will be praying for your mom.
Sending purrs and hugs for your mother.
So thankful to hear from you... and although we have been blogging, it has felt like a chore and we haven't been visiting our friends unless on Facebook. Purring for your Mom and glad that Piper is getting some attention and learning that change is not all that bad.
Thanksgiving is hard at our house too, although just don't share much about it... Keeping you in my prayers.
Katie Kat.
You do what you have to for the lived ones. We purr for all.
Happy belated Thanksgiving, friends! We are purring and praying that your mom gets better.
sending positive thoughts your mom's way.
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