Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Oh boy have I got a BIG thankful today! And this one is ME, not the kitties. Actually, not sure how thankful any of them are about it, but it thrills my heart!

I just posted the other day about the girls Fourth Gotcha day. I had totally forgotten that I was going to share this picture then, but I'm also kinda glad I saved it for Thankful Thursday!

In recent times I've posted pictures of all three of the kitties sleeping in the same area, ie the bed. Not exactly cuddle piles, but some of them actually touching! But all on one single piece of furniture! That's big news around here because while they love each other and play with each other, they do not sleep together. The girls came here bonded, but even they, once they settled in, decided that sleeping alone was better. Silly cats, don't they know they're supposed to sleep in one big furry pile?

Anyway, as thrilled as I have been about them sleeping in the same vicinity, I was surprised by this just the other day:

Ok, that pink in the middle is ME and with me are THREE kitties!
 Leo is on the far left. That is his favorite sleeping spot, he's always there just behind my arm on my pillow pile/arm rest. He likes to grumble at me from there if I type too much.
Cashmere is next to him, leaning on him and is in the spot she likes to sleep in when Greg leaves for work. As long as Leo's not with me. They don't share. (until this time!)
Glitter is on the other side, back end on the other arm pillows, doing supercat across my stomach. She likes this spot in the middle of the night, even if Leo is already with me. She never cares what the other cats think. She will lay there as long as she wants scritches, then she will lay where Cashmere is, but with her butt toward me and her head hanging off the other side of the pillows. Again, even if Leo is there and he grumbles about it because.. she don't care what the other cats think. We call her the unflappable one. She cannot be flapped! Even if Leo gives her a slow paw of doom to the top of the head, she stays, she just turns away from him. No flap!

Anyway, see why I'm so thankful!? Three kitties, no whappy paws! All snuggle loves!
(Ok, Glitter always looks grumpy in pictures, it's her beautifully tilted eyes squinting at the flash and Cashmere was awakened by her daddy moving near. She's very aware of every move he makes)

It only lasted about 20 minutes, and of course they choose to do this on one of the hottest days, but I loved it! Also thankful that Greg woke up in time to get the picture before anyone moved!

We're thankful for Brian's blog hop too! Hope you all join in!

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Double Gotcha Day!

Four years ago we took the eight hour trip back to Illinois to get two of Leo's sisters! It was worth the trip to get Leo, and it was doubly worth it to get Glitter and Cashmere!

First I gotta show baby pictures! Cashmere is on the far left, Glitter in the center and that's Leo on the far right (Spritz is between Cashmere and Glitter, Tuxie/Trixie is between Glitter and Leo, they are watching the 6th sibling, Mitts, play on the floor)

Here's Leo in the back corner (over Spritz) Glitter in front and Cashmere behind Glitters ear! My goodness were they scardy kittens!

We had Leo for three years when we went back for Glitter and Cashmere. They'd been adopted out and returned in bad shape. I decided they were not going to go through that again or be separated since they were so bonded, that we got down there as soon as Greg could get the time off! I have never regretted that for an instant! They are the sweetest, most loving little darlings ever!

Leo had ridden home so well, mostly on my shoulder, that I thought the girls would too. That was NOT the case. Glitter was car sick most of the way and Cashmere was scared and confused and her sister was freaking her out. I saw next to the cage so I could pet them through the bars. Worked with Cashmere anyway, Glitter stayed too far away and just didn't want to be bothered. I'm so glad I had those moments petting Cashmere when she couldn't get away because she hid a lot when she first got here. She liked the pets, and I think she felt safe that I couldn't pick her up since she was behind bars, so to speak.

Thankfully it didn't take that long for them to settle in. They hardly needed or wanted the safe room/home base more than a few days and were not bothered by either Star's hissing of Leo's curiosity. This picture is from early June and they were already out for snack time and a post snack play session!
I'm so thankful for the girls. I thought I was giving them a good home and saving them, but they are what makes a good home (along with Leo!) and they save me every day! I adore them and I'm so grateful to Chrystal for letting me have three Winnie's Wishers to love and cuddle!
I have been asking you all, that if you could, please take the opportunity of Chrystal's vacation and Birthday to send something, either a donation or wish list item, to Winnie's Wish! You see what wonderful kitties come from there! And if you know Chrystal, or read her blog, you know how wonderful she is! So if you can, please send along some love and help the kitties of Winnie's Wish! (and help find them homes too, that would be so awesome!!) I elaborated more about donating on THIS post
Thank you all!
And happy Gotcha day to my sweet girls, I'm so glad I got to gotcha them!!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Leo has something he's thankful for, especially considering the very cool spring we've had! He's very thankful for his self heated nap mat!

Leo: I loves my warmy warm warm nap mat! Especially when you consider we're lucky we even have one! Mommy usually only makes them, and other comfy beds, to auction off for Winnie's Wish. So we all feel really lucky that she made this one especially for us! Well, I think just for me, but the girls keep saying all of us, so whatevs, I got it now! Double thankful! Nap time now, night night zzzzzzz


If you've been popping over for our (infrequent) posts lately, (seriously trying to get back in the routine of posting more!) then you might have noticed our campaign to get some love sent to Winnie's Wish and Chrystal while she's on her one and only vacation time off right now, AND her birthday which is coming up very soon at the end of her vacation!

We're hoping people will consider sending something from her Wish List on amazon or a donation using her paypal button on her sidebar! If you don't use amazon and want to send some litter or food or other needed item, you can use the red donate button on my sidebar and I'll send items in your name from my amazon (prime with free shipping!) Every little bit helps and there are SO many kitties in Winnie's Wish right now! (Boy could she use some adoptions too!!)

Please consider sending something if you can, or at least wish her a happy birthday! Thank you!!!


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Caturday Art with Cashmere

For today's Caturday Art I'm using Cashmere's Wordless Wednesday upside down napping picture.

I used Lunapic for most of these. All except Cartoonify which I did on my Gimp

This one is called beauty

My usual fav, cartoonify. But I'm not sure I like how it did the background, lol. Love the kitty though!

Dreaming, an appropriate choice, right?

The original


The other day I proposed that while Chrystal of Daily Dose/Winnie's Wish, is on her one break of the year, and with her birthday at the end of it, that we could send lots of love to her by way of packages from her Amazon Wish List or donations. What a great way to support such a good cause, right? So if you can, please help the Wishers and Chrystal by sending something! You can read this idea in more detail in THIS POST.  Thank you


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Grass Girls

We FINALLY have spring like weather around here! The windows are open, the sun is shining and the cat grass is growing!

Boy does that make the kitties happy!

Cashmere: Um, you may not want to watch this..
Glitter: For what I'm about to do, I apologize.

Cashmere: *chompchompsnarflechomp!*
Glitter: *gobblemunchslurpchewchomp* Urp..
Cashmere: They're not watching, are they? I hope they aren't watching..
Glitter: Avert your eyes internets!
Both: *munchmunchchompcrunch*

Well... I think they have that covered. Shall we move on?

My dear friends, I have an idea. If you know me, you probably think that my idea has something to do with Winnie's Wish. And you'd be right!

Chrystal, the Winnie's Wish/Daily Dose lady, is on her one and only vacation time off of the year. The entire rest of the year she devotes to Winnie's Wish and her host of rescued family members as well as helping out at the shelter her daughters work at. She's one busy woman is what I'm saying and she is busy about helping animals!

My idea is this: Lets  help her help animals! We could ensure that when she gets back that she has a whole bunch of boxes of supplies! She has a Wish List set up on Amazon, it's so easy to use! You see what she needs and pick the ones you want to send and boom, it's delivered to her!

OR, instead of items, you could make a donation that she can use to get those items! Trust me when I say that every penny helps! There is a donate button on her sidebar for just this purpose.

Now, if you want to send food or litter or whathaveyou but don't use Amazon, you can feel free to send the money to me and I will make the amazon purchase. I have prime so no shipping, yay! Just use the red donate button on MY sidebar and I will send the package in your name.

Here's another little nudge ;)  Chrystal's birthday is somewhere at the end of her vacation! We could make it a really awesome birthday by filling her house with packages and love and thanks for helping all the kitties!

Thanks for listening! Remember, every little bit helps!