Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thankful Thursday and Happy New Year!

We've had a year to be thankful for, I think. It hasn't been all roses, (especially with rehab and surgery) but it does seem to be ending on a good note!

We are SO thankful that the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction went so well! (we'll have totals as soon as the last stragglers get their donations in and items sent) And the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party, which is still going!! is doing well! There's plenty of time if you want to get a package in to the Wishers! Every bit helps, so even if you just want to make a small donation instead of using the Wish List, it would be awesome!! I can tell you without a doubt that Winnie's Wish and Chrystal would be extremely grateful and thankful for any help given!

I am personally very thankful for my physical therapists! Due to a glitch with the insurance I lost them for a while but I now have a new company and new physical and occupational therapists that started this week! So far I think they are even better, much better, than the previous ones anyway! So here's to gettin' strong in the new year!

I am also extremely thankful for my kitties. I was holding my sweet heart cat, Leo earlier today, and he was snoozing in my arms and I just felt so much love for him, so much happiness that he's in my life. I'm not leaving the girls out! I love them so much, they bring me so much joy! I love each one of their personalities and quirks! They are all so special to me and I'm grateful that Chrystal allowed me to adopt them!

I'm so thankful for Chrystal! Though we are states away from each other, we have a friendship that transcends the miles! She always tells me she's thankful for everything I do to help Winnie's Wish, but it's me who's thankful! She has given me a purpose, a way to use my crafty talents to help out, a reason to do the crafts! and a reason to be busy and productive! I'm thankful, grateful, that she calls me a friend and her chief fundraiser, I am honored and proud to serve the kitties!

I know Leo, Glitter and Cashmere are thankful for their Secret Santa gifts! And we will be sharing pictures of that soon!

We are also so very thankful for you, our friends, furry and human, for reading, commenting, and being so supportive! I love you all! I know we only know each other 'on the internet' but I feel a real friendship with all of you! You are my community, my people, the ones who share my love of the furry family members!

I don't think I'll be posing again until after New Years, so I'm going to make this my New Years post too! And since I'm so past ready to sleep, I'm going to reuse last years pictures! But the sentiment is new and yet the same, we hope that you have a wonderful, safe, joyous New Year!

Leo: Smooches at midnight anyone?

Glitter: Happy New Year Darlings!

Cashmere: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now it's nap time so I'm confiscating all noisemakers, k?
Oh yes, the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party! Go HERE to read about it!
Donations can be made to the donate button on my sidebar or the button on the Daily Dose/Winnie's Wish sidebar! Thank you!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Oh my, the week has flown past! I can't believe Christmas is almost here! But because it is, I want to take a moment to wish all of our friends who celebrate a very Merry and blessed Christmas!
And to those who don't we wish you a very lovely and blessed weekend!


If you would like to help some kitties have a wonderful holiday season, you could get in on the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party! We're trying to see that the Wishers, the kitties, can get through the start of the new year with plenty of food and litter and assorted other necessities!
The biggest need, as I'm sure you can guess, is the food and litter.
There are 28 Wishers! Wait, they just caught a very scared skinny black kitty, so 29 Wishers! Oh wait, there's one little kitten out for a trail adoption, so 28..
Ok, there are close to 30 kitties associated with Winnie's Wish! Some will never be able to be adopted, they are there for sanctuary, kept safe and healthy and loved, some are there for shelter while hoping and wishing for a home of their own! All have been rescued and all need to eat!
All that eating produces.. well, you KNOW what it produces! And it produces that into 20, yes TWENTY litter boxes! Can you imagine all the scooping?? I can, and I feel faint!
One of the large bags of litter on the Wish List will fill three boxes. That means she needs almost 7 big bags every time she does a full change, not just a scooping.
That's the facts on just the litter usage, I haven't got the numbers on how many bowls and how many pounds of food she goes through in a week, but I can imagine it's a lot!

This is why I want to do the Package Party, to build up supplies so they know they have what they need for the start of the new year! A little stock pile would be a wonderful gift, don't you think?
So I'm asking, if you can, in the next week or so, take a peek at the Wish List and see if there is something you can help with. Every bit of it is appreciated and oh so needed.

Every dollar helps! After all, a dollar is about two cans of cat food! If you cannot use the wish list, consider sending the Wishers a donation, added up with other donations, it'll make lots of cans and bags of cat food! (find the donation button on the Daily Dose/Winnie's Wish blog, or use the one on mine and I will make sure she gets every penny!)

Thank you all for helping, thank you to those who have already donated and for those of you who are considering it!


And again, Merry Christmas and much love
from all of us here at Celestial Kitties!
Smooches and purrs from Andrea, Greg, Leo, Glitter and Cashmere!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thankful Thursday With Glitter

Glitter is one for sleeping, or lounging, in the oddest, most uncomfortable looking places. But this one, at least, seems less uncomfortable than her usual spots!

Glitter: I just love this thing! It has a built in pillow for my head and a rump rester on the other end! And it smells like nip, sniiiiffffff!

We are also thankful for everyone who is or has participated in the Winnie's Wish Insta-auction!
Just a quick reminder, it ends tomorrow, Friday the 15th at midnight EST! So please, get your bids in before it closes!

Lots more goodies available, such as:
crochet beds!
 Shower curtains,                        the Bible on discs!
 Cat ears for peoples,                              a kitty belt!

  Hand made necklaces!

 Self heating nap mats!
 Pillow covers                         cool notebooks!

 Jewelry                           tshirt!

 And many more!!! Please, don't waste another minute, check it out before time is over!


Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wordless Wednesday with Cashmere


Two more days! The Winnie's Wish Holiday Insta-auction ends Friday at midnight EST!

Don't forget the Holiday Package party! Send something from the Winnie's Wish Wish List and help them have a very happy holiday season!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Leo Dangles & Auction Update

Leo: Hi Everypawdy! I may look mad here, but I'm really giving the eyes of lurve to my mommy! And lets not forget the totally awesome dangle I'm pulling off! Right up to the arm pit! That's right, I rule the dangle!


Friends! The Winnie's Wish Holiday Insta-Auction ends FRIDAY! You're running out of time! Please be sure to bid bid bid! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

There are lots of awesome items that still do not have bids! Or have second ones of that are still waiting for bids! Check these ones out!


 And lots more!! There should be something to everyone's liking! So if you're looking for a gift, for a friend or for your pet, or for yourself, please, check it out today! It all ends Friday at midnight!


Don't forget to get on board with the Holiday Package Party, also to benefit Winnie's Wish! Lets get them through the holiday without having to go shopping for litter and food!!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thankful Thursday And Auction Extension!

Yesterday was St. Nicholas' Day and we got a knock at our door! St Nicholas left us some wonderful goodies AND the kitties got their very own bag of fun stuff!

I haven't given them everything yet, but they've had a few out for test drives. A quick favorite was this orange mousie! He must have some good nippy scent because the made them wild! I only managed to get a few pictures of Cashmere with it. None of Leo because he was behind my back, and Glitter hid with it!

So for thankful Thursday we are thankful for St. Nick and his goodie bags!

Cashmere: Mine! All mine! Oo I love this mousie! St. Nick likes me best for giving me this awesome toy! Well, ok, I stole it right out from under Leo's nose.. but still, it's mine all mine! Right?

Cashmere: Whoops, is that Leo coming back? Quick, where can I hide this??


Here's something to be thankful for! The Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction has been EXTENDED!
That's right, there's more time to shop!

The Auction will not close until the 15th of December now!

I've added so many things, even up to last night, that I would like everyone to have a chance to see the new stuff and maybe find a treasure they didn't notice before!
Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

Please take the updated banners, either size, and share!
Please don't forget about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party! It goes on until the holidays are over!
