Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Cashmere Has An Agitated

We like that word. Agitated. We are agitated! Mommy is all agitated and flipping out that she only has so many days left before TLO's wedding, wah wah wah! We are agitated because not only is there no blog time, no commenting time, but there's darn little lap time! Agitated! We'll all be glad when this big shindig, to which we are not even invited! is over! We needs our lap time! And our friend time! At least daddy cares and keeps us in snacks..


Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness for your Daddy's snacks as we'd hate for you all to fade away.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Eastside Cats said...

Yep, those pesky weddings take up all of the humans time sometimes, kitties! Rest assured, you'll be back on lap time soon, and you'll probably score extra snacks too.

Photo Cache said...

That's what daddies are for, they pick up the lack when the mommies do squat.

Emma and Buster

pilch92 said...

Weddings make humans very tense- don't worry, I am sure she will make it up to you.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

May all yer agitateds end soon!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

cashmere...just due knot let daddy get an agitated ore him mite knot serve snax !! ♥♥

Unknown said...

Aw, agitation is no good. Hoping things get better soon!

rainbow said...

Well done, Daddy!!
Purrs ... Rainbow

The Island Cats said...

Thank cod your dad is there with the snacks.

Summer said...

This wedding stuff does not sound like much fun! Especially for kitties.

sandy l said...

Don't worry Cashmere. The big shindig will be here and gone before you know it and you'll have mommy (and her lap) back. Hang in there!

sandy l said...

Don't worry Cashmere. The big shindig will be here and gone before you know it and you'll have mommy (and her lap) back. Hang in there!

Furries said...

Most girl humans go a little crazy over weddings. It's a good thing your dad is there to keep things on an even keel.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

oh my it is so disturbing when the humans think other humans are more important than us cats. Your human Mom needs a brush up training course Cashmere

Noodle Cat said...

Happy Earth Day!
Have a wonderful Wednesday...

Noodle and crew

meowmeowmans said...

We sure hope those agitateds get packing soon, so you can get some Mommy lap time. Purrs and hugs!

Sweet Purrfections said...

We hope the agitation ends for everyone very soon.

Katie Isabella said...

Cashmere, it only seems like forever! But this too will pass! Hold onto Daddy meanwhile.