Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Blogoversary and Bonded Brother and Sister Opt to Adopt Blog Hop

Oh my gosh! I can't believe I nearly forgot our blogoversary!
I started this blog after I adopted Leo the Chinese Lion from Winnie's Wish and Chrystal's readers asked if I would blog and let them keep up on him! I was thrilled!
I can't believe it's been FOUR YEARS! How awesome!
Leo is still my heart kitty, still my big goofy boy and I'm beyond glad to have him!
We lost our sweet Star this year and we appreciated everyone supporting us through it.
And we now have two of Leo's sisters. The dynamic of our home has changed, but our blog remains. And so does our appreciation of every single one of you! Thank you for being our friends and coming along for the ride!
I know my posts will be spotty while I'm working hard to get Twin 1's wedding off the ground, and I wont be able to comment on you as much as I'd like. But this will pass and we'll be back to full throttle before too long!
Thanks for reading!

This adorable bonded brother and sister need our help to find their happily ever after!
Tinkerbell and Peter Pan have been waiting and waiting. Please share and help them find the home they were meant to have!

These are sweet sweet kitties, read more about them HERE

Contact Chrystal to adopt! (c3k@lazernetwireless.net)

Please share and ask your friends to share so that these fairy tale kitties can start their once upon a time!

Be sure to check out Daily Dose today! Remember the gofundme and auction for the new cat room?? Well, they are Breaking Ground! Yay! It's all because of YOU! Thanks for sharing, donating, bidding, winning, praying and sending good thoughts!


da tabbies o trout towne said...

happee annie fursarry guys...heerz ta 400 mor !! we hope mom sell a brated de day with sum fish dinnerz for everee one, toona, trout, mackerull, flounder, sea bass.....ewe noe...de good stuff...happee day ♥♥♥

{ N best best fishes two ewe tinkerbelle & peter pan...heerz hopin yur in yur for everz bye months end ~~~ }

rainbow said...

Happy Blogoversary - may there be many more to come.
Purrs ... Rainbow

Saku said...

Concats on your blogoversary! We may not always be able to stop by but we're always happy to see efurrybody when we do.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

meowmeowmans said...

Happy blogoversary, sweet pals! We are so thankful for your friendship. Here's to many, many more blogoversaries to come. :)

Hugs and headbonks,

Moosey, Gracie, and Zoe, and Mom and Dad

Katie Isabella said...

Happy Blogaversary dear kitties! Lubs you furry muches.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


pilch92 said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! I hope those 2 get their forever home together soon.

LP said...

Happy Blogoversary! We can't believe it has already been four years! We distinctly remember when you fell in love with Leo and the journey you took to bring him home.Ack! Time really does speed by after a certain age...

the critters in the cottage xo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy 4th blogoversary and may there be so MANY more!

sandy l said...

Happy blogversary!! Love reading and seeing pictures of your cats and how well they have bonded. Thank you for reminding us about Winnie's Wish - I would not have discovered them without you!! P.s. thank you for the lovely flannel mats too!

sandy l said...

Happy blogversary!! Love reading and seeing pictures of your cats and how well they have bonded. Thank you for reminding us about Winnie's Wish - I would not have discovered them without you!! P.s. thank you for the lovely flannel mats too!

Dogs N Pawz said...

Happy Late blogoversary! Sharing Tinkerbell and Peter Pan and hoping they find a forever home together!

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

YAY for Miss Chrystal for getting the funds to add her kitty cat house. And congratulations on your blogiversary. You know it is 'never too far" if a cat or dog tugs at your heart strings. And we did not realize that Cashmere and Glitter were truly his litter sisters. We thought that all his sibs had finally been adopted!

Furries said...

Happy Blogoversary.

Gigi said...

LOVE your first post! And you know what--we almost missed our 5th blogoversary on April 14--our anni's are close ;-) We love you and all your kitties (oh heck, even Greg too!) Hope there'll be a picture of the bride one of these days!