Isn't he the cutest thing! Look at those jellybean toes! All them toehawks! Fluff!
I don't know what makes him think those stairs are a comfy place to nap, but he's been seen there many times. Finally caught him on camera.
Opt to Adopt Slate!

Slate is a Winnie's Wish sweetie who needs a home of his own. He has had issues with some of the other cats in the cathouse and could use a family of his own where he can be himself. I just know that all he needs is a little time and he'll adjust and be someone's darling.
He's been attached and unattached to some other kitties but will do well on his own. Do you know the perfect home for Slate? Would you help them find each other? Please share!!
Read more about Slate HERE
Winnie's Wish has a serious need for another room on the cathouse.
Before and after pictures of Winnie's Wishers, it's amazing!
I wrote the following on Friday, and I believe it. I believe it says it well so I'm copying it here.
There are lots of other Winnie's Wish kitties who need homes! Right now Chrystal is planning, and hoping to add another room on the cathouse. You can read about her wish HERE.
It would be great if a lot of the kitties could be adopted out before construction starts, wouldn't it? Lets spread the word about the adoptable kitties of Winnie's Wish and ask our friends to do the same, please!
If you want to help with the new room, please see the gofundme page for it, HERE
If you want to help with every day expenses AND want to get a cat bed for your kitties, check out our Cozy Kitty FUNdraiser
And if you'd prefer toys instead of beds, please see any of our other FUNdraisers, still available!
FUN FUN FUNdriaser
Summer FUNdraiser
Spread the Love FUNdraiser
Christmas FUNdraiser
If you blog, would you consider promoting the cathouse fundraiser at gofundme? If you're on facebook would you share it? Would you ask your friends to share it so they can reach as many people as possible?
Thank you!
Blog Hop!
I've been known to hang out on the stairs too, much to the humans' dismay. ~Zoey
Toesies, tousies, toesies!
Sharing Slate.
"Stairing"... What a great new word!
Truth be told, some of used to do that but it was discouraged on account of our doin' it at the top of the stairs leadin' into the basement where the peeps might not notice us before tumblin' down. No one ever did tumble. Don't know what the peeps' problem was.
I think Leo looks super comfy there and I think I just might have to take up "stairing," once more.
Leo, you handsome yummy mancat! You gorgeous hunka hunka burnin' love!!
We hope no-one trips over Leo snoozing on the stairs.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
we don't snooze on the stairs but we love to run up and down them - and peek over the top to stalk others here
I hope Slate gets his forever home soon. Love the stair photo- those are the fluffiest toesies ever.
Slate sure is pretty!!! We will share too!
We wish we had some stairs to nap on.
"Stairing" MOL ! We love your toehawks ! Purrs
Toehawks! We love those things (our Toehawk-touting sister Pia made us say that)!
Leo, you so funny!
Yep yous lookin' gwjus. And weez so hope dat all da kitties get homes soon.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
You have lovely toe hawks. You look quite comfy on the stairs. I wish I could try napping there, but we don't have any.
Good luck, Slate! *wags* - Gilligan from
Leo has the cutest toes! And Slate! What a dreamboat!
When Binga sleeps on the steps, she does it on purpose, because she wants to get in the way!
The step must be comfy, but it would be hard to turn over and not fall down. Love your furry toes!
a nice stair sun puddle and I am ready for a nap! You sure do have long paw tufts
Slate is beautiful! Sharing.
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