Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Leo's Behind Bars!

I know what you're thinking.. What did my boy do to get himself into jail... Did he rub out Star? Did he claw the mommy? Did he bite the daddy? No no no, you have it all wrong!

Leo's Behind Bars doesn't mean he's in jail. It means that Leo has bars on his behind!

Seriously! I was shocked, SHOCKED I tells ya!

I mean, when you're used to having two solid grey kitties, suddenly finding bars on a butt is just.. mind blowing!

But wait, maybe I'm crazy. You can't suddenly develop stripey bum syndrome, can you? Did he get into someone else's cat suit today?? Is it a trick of the light??? or am I just seeing things?

Let me show you what I'm seeing and see if you see it too...

See his back flank? His thigh? The side of his behind?? Are those stripes??
I don't see nothing, what are you seeing?


Here's a close up. Is it the light? Is he rumpled funny?
Mommy.. you're getting a little too close with that flashy box.. Watch it or I'll poot at ya.

Let's see this from the beginning, shall we? Here's an early picture of Leo when he was a wee sprout running around Chrystal's office, still fairly feral. Do you see any stripes on that baby butt? I don't..

And here he is a little older, in the cathouse I think. See any stripes here?? 'Cause, again, I sure don't!

Did Star give him such a swipe across the bum that it striped his furs? I sure don't know what happened... But at least in the top pictures, I swear there are stripes on my grey baby!

Um, can someone call the men in white suits now to take me away, give me a fancy new coat that ties in the back and put me in the room with the padded walls?


I think I got my commenting problems fixed! I had an issue with my Norton virus protection, apparently I was missing a master registry key, a reinstall did not work so I got them to take over my computer and fix it, and bam! I can comment! I don't know if a virus got past it and ate the master key thingie, or what, but I am all good now and can comment and bug them over at Tonk's Tail again! Weeee!!!
I'd also been having trouble getting some comments to stay after I posted them on other sites, Daily Dose included! And I'm hoping that's all fixed now too!


Gigi said...

Leo, I says You Gots Stripeys. You just been hiding them to spring as a surprise. We kitties need to harbor SOME secrets so that we keep our Humans off-balance.

But say: Where's Star??? I don't like it when I don't get to see my Girl. She better be on here tomorrow, that's all I've got to say.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Oh. We didn't know you had some comment eating virus! Glad you have it all fixed. :)
Yup, we do see stripes on Leo! It takes time to earn one's stripes, you know? Hee hee.

Crafting Queen said...

Can see some stripes. :)

Sparkle said...

Looks like stripes to me too! But it's not official unless he sports the Tabby "M" on his forehead!

Sushi said...

Yep. I can see stripes, leo. Uh-huh, stripes.

Cats Herd You said...

We see stripes! In the past, all of our black cats had "secret stripes" that you could see in the right sunlight. The head peep read somewhere years ago that it had to do with tabby being a dominant gene and being in nearly every cat, even those cats who don't look like it.

Smokey_the cat said...

I glad that you got your comments all fixed but mom knows exactly how you feel with dat Norton sometime it could drive you to claw at everybody!

You have a purrrrrrry Tuesday!

Mr Puddy said...

Stripes make you UNIQUE !!!
And lady kitties can say Hubba Hubba !!!

And Happy birthday to our wonderful lady, Marg : )

Hannah and Lucy said...

It does look as though Leo has some stripes unless it is a trick of the light.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

RedSetter said...

Sorry but that rump is stripey.

Absolutely LOVING the kitty pic of the newly revealed tiger one.

Unknown said...

Yep...they are there! Xo

Kitties Blue said...

Fiona and our angel Louise always looked as if they were totally grey cats but in just the right light you can and could see those subtle tabby stripes. Neither kitty was part of a tabby litter. A little throw back from some previous generation. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

John Bellen said...

It may be the different layers of his fur or... I read somewhere that most cats are tabbies but in some the colouring is such that you never see the stripes. Whether this is true or not, I don't know, but maybe Leo has some latent tabbitity that he's just now developing.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

He is part tabby for sure!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

leo...yur momz buzzard up on catnip again huh !!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Honestly, stripes are the purrfect addition!

Marilia said...


Katnip Lounge said...

Has he been lounging on the BBQ?

Jacqueline said...

We can see your handsome strips, Leo!!...And what adorable baby pictures too=our Mommy wants to cuddle you, strips and all, sweetie!!..Have a fun week ahead, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki.

LP said...

Leo... you are a closet tabby!! Heehee :p

Andrea...how did you get Norton to fix the problem? Interestingly enough, we also have Norton Security and we are having the same problem you did with commenting.How were you able to contact them?
Can you email us at : limbyloo700@gmail.com and let us know? Thanks!

the critters in the cottage xo

Ivan from WMD said...

Ha ha ha ha to Katnip Lounge!!

The Island Cats said...

Yep, we thinks those be stripes on Leo. The mom had a cat that was gray and white and she found stripes on him too.

Mo and The Purries said...

What a great post - mystery stripes! Great pics!

Random Felines said...

huh - it is a mystery.... maybe a trick of the light..... maybe someone folded him wrong after laundry day.... MOL

Cathy Keisha said...

It's all in the title. When I saw it, I RAN over here. Leo does look stripey. You know the sun DOES bleach a dark cat's fur. That may be the stripes from the blinds.

Unknown said...

Stripes! Leo has stripes! Purrhaps he is turning into the tiger he thinks he is!

Furries said...

I see the stripes. They're beatiful.

Gigi said...

Hmmm. 8:26 p.m. PDT and still no Star. The Human is 'zawsted and going to bed early. There better be Star tomorrow! Just sayin'.

The Lee County Clowder said...

Billy White Shoes has a similar problem. If you look at him 'live', he looks like a solid gray kittie, mostly. But most photos show stripes, especially around his back legs. No one is really sure what is going on there.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Furs DO change sometimes, we swear!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Well I think Stripes are the cats meow myself. Being a Tabby and all. And I DO see a stripey Butt! MOL