Saturday, December 24, 2011

Leo and the Tree

Well, we wondered what he would do, how he would react once the tree was decorated. Especially after pretty much ignoring it undecorated. Would he bat at it? Would he knock it down?
(Hmm, perhaps one day I'll tell about that poor tree's first Christmas..)

The tree got decorated and we sat back to see what Leo would do.

This is the first thing he did once he was able to get at the decorated tree. Nothing.
Hey, you covered the parts I was gnawing on.. and what happened to my bent down back scratchy branch?

 Here's the tree in all it's un-lighted glory (where DID that extension cord go?!) Can you tell I like butterflies? There are plenty of cats in there too, and I do plan on highlightnig a few of my favorites eventually.. once I get the dang thing turned on!

This is the orneriest place Leo got, not even regestering on the ornery scale really. And he's only given bows a cursory examination.
And now you're putting all these boxes under here so I cant get there? After you put down a soft blankey just right for sleeping on?? You people crazy..

Star, on the other hand, a veteran of the tree and bow experience... has suddenly found some of the bows and ribbons irrestible! Naughty girl..

In case I don't see you again before the First Day of Christmas, (the 25th) Have yourself a very Merry Christmas!!

I have a kitty song just about ready to post, just a little more polish!


Cat said...

Good boy Leo :-) Your tree is beautiful!!! We wish you a very merry Christmas and a healthy, happy new year!

Gigi said...

Good boy, Leo! I hope your sisfur teaches you some good tricks, MOL!

I am being 'bandoned by my Human till Monday, so I will wish you all a very Meowy Krissymouse now! XOXOXO

Karen Jo said...

You are a very good boy, Leo. Maybe you can teach your sister some restraint. Merry Christmas!

Katnip Lounge said...

Leo, c'mon over to our house! We're being NAUGHTY!


Terrific Leo!

Merry Christmas!