Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas!!

 Merry Christmas Dear Friends and Furry Friends!!

For those of you who were looking for the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction I usually have in November/December, I apologize. I was in and out of the hospital and still sick at home so I just was not up to it. 
I do plan on having it sometime in the new year. possibly for Valentines day but that's not set in stone. Depends on how I feel. 

So sorry to have been missing in action here for a long time. It's been an uphill battle.. 

But we're still here and we still love all of you! 

And we are hoping you have the best holiday and a wonderful New Year!!

Hugs and purrs,
Andrea and Leo and Glitter and Cashmere

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Find Us Again

Leo here! Well, mom finally had to make a new facebook account. That nigerian scammer apparently has more right to her old one than she does. After all, she only had it for around 15 years, this guy has had it for a whole couple of weeks! 
Anyway, she gave up and created a new account, you can find her under the name Andrea P Clanish
To celebrate being back in the world of the living she took funny filter pictures... I said she could only post one and I had to look cute. I'm not sure that one qualifies... 
Hope to see you all soon, loves you all!!! 

PS. does this qualify as a Sunday Selfie??

Sunday, July 16, 2023

I've Been Hacked!

 I follow many of you on Facebook and perhaps some of you follow me under Andrea Clanish. My account was taken over by a scammer and he's messaging my friends and family now trying to get them to click something or to fall for the trick of getting a hold of their accounts that I fell for. Please do not fall for it! 

I swear to you I am too smart to fall for scammers yet this one got me. I'm so mad I could spit nails! He pretended to be my nephew in law trying to get back control of his account and asked me to help and foolishly I did not confirm by calling him first. But he was using Twin2's husbands account so I could see our previous conversations right there! Argh! I feel so stupid for falling for this! 

As it stands, I have not been able to convince facebook that that is not me. I thought I had it, but something went wrong and now they will only accept a code send to "my" email, which is not mine! it's the scammers email! Not going to help.. There is no person you can talk to on facebook, so I'm kind of stuck at this point. 

I will probably have to make a new account, which ticks me off because that's been my account for almost 20 years! Like I said, spitting mad... But if you get a friend request from a new me, it's probably me.. 

I'm sorry if this has inconvenienced any of you or if you've been hacked because of it. Please be safe out there, the scammers are everywhere! 

The kitties are good! Leo has a cold and Glitter developed allergies, but we're dealing with it. They say Mew and they love you all!! So do I! 

Here's some old pictures so you remember how cute they are!

Cashmere in front, Glitter in back

Leo being silly!

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Leo's 12th Gotcha Day!

 12 years! I cannot believe it's been 12 years since we drove down to get Leo from Chrystal and Winnie's Wish! 
I still can't believe Greg said we could drive 8 hours to get a kitty! And Chrystal drove many hours to meet us nearly half way! 
Here's the first picture I ever took of my baby
Leo: Uh.. hey... um, does I needs help or is these gonna be ok kinda peoples? Not sure if I should be freakin' out, but I is.. a little.. sorta. 

 (wow, the difference in the phone camera quality!)

I'm gonna try to put up an update about Leo's health and maybe mine, at a later point but for now:

Happy Gotcha Day Sweet Boy!!!

I loves you!!!
Does this count as his first Sunday Selfie? :) 
For fun, here's a link to my first blog post talking about the trip home with him if you are interested: 
EDIT: whoops, that's the second post! here's the first: 


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Glitter's Sunday Selfie

Glitter: Hello everyone! Hope you're having a lovely, fluffy Sunday, like I am! 

Oh we've missed you all! We won't go into any of it, but there's been a lot keeping us from blogging.  Frankly, we're tired of hearing it from ourselves too, so we won't bore you! 
We are trying, and we are peeking in at a lot of you when we can. So even if we don't comment, know we're there, cheering you on in everything you do! 
Love you all!


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Auction Result Time!

Leo: Is this thing on? Hello? I has an announcement to make! Can you hear me now?? 
The auction was over a while back, I know, but mommy had a harder time fining a few peoples and getting everything mailed out. We's all sorry it has taken so long!! But I also think it's worth waiting for! oooo you're gonna love it! 

We waited until Miss Chrystal announced it over at her Daily Dose blog, go ahead over there if you want to hear if from her first! Then come back here after, we'll wait!  



Hmmm hmm hmmmm HMmmmMM hmmm 


Are they back yet? 

Can you still hear me? 

Oh boy, this is gonna rock!! 

Now, this is combined with the Raffle moneys and a few pre-auction hometown sales of some heavier things that we're glad no one had to pay postage for, and of course, our daddy's rounding up!

Ready for the GRAND TOTAL?!!?

Da da DA!


Can you believe it?? 

Whoo hoo! We is so very very happy! The Wishers can get lots of noms (that's foods for you non cat speaking folks) and litters and (even though no one likes it) ebil V.E.T visits with that! 


Yes, YOU! 

Every bid, every share, every visit to the auction helped us get here! And every extra sent, and straight donations, and extra help for postage, all helps!!! And we cannot thank you enough!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! 
Nope, still not big enough. So please consider yourself head bumped/buddy bumped by all the Wishers and all of us!! We loves you!!!!