Sunday, January 2, 2022

Leo's Scared Sunday Selfie

Leo: Friends, I is hidin' my face 'cause I had a scare! We all did!! Last Tuesday, while ridin' high over our post with the Auction Results, mommy got a call from daddy, and he was in the back of an ambulance! Mommy freaked. Out! We all ran from her, lemme tell ya, freaked us out too! Daddy got hit on the highway and his bus/van got flipped over! He got thrown down the other side when it flipped and landed on his face, ya'll, his face! 
You shoulda seen how we looked at him when he got home from the people vet building! Cashmere just jumped up on the arm of his chair as usual and stopped in her tracks and stared and stared and stared at his face! Kitties, people's got no fur to cover the multiple colors they can turn, it's freaky. 
He's got both of his feets wrapped up too, so he ain't walkin' right at all. Daddy said one is a cast and one is a boot, but the cast is on the bad sprain and the boot is on the broken one, does that sound right to you? Us either.. 
Momma says daddy needs surgery on his footsie, but daddy said maybe, and they don't stop going back and forth on it. Daddy has to see a second people bone vet for a second opinion so mommy stops harpin'.. I mean talkin' about it..  
One good thing, we gots him trapped now! He can't get away from us so we gets ta nap on him alllllll the time! We have to hold him down so he can heal and recover, right? That's what good kitty nurses do, so me and the girls, we's takin' this job very seriously! 
Another good thing is that Twin 1 and Twin 2 and their mommy (my mommy's sister) are coming over all the time and helpin' us all out. More people for pettin' time! 
So that's our scary end of year story, we sure hopes this new year is much better!!! Our folk's is tired of bein' hurt and not feelin' good! Anyone who wants ta send power o' the paw, purrs or prayers sure is appreciated by our daddy! And mommy too, maybe she'll feel your good will and stop freakin' out so much! 
Oh, and Happy New Year to ya all!!!! Purrs everyone! 



pilch92 said...

Sorry your dad got injured, but glad he survived. I will pray he heals quickly. I hope the rest of your year is uneventful. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your poor daddy. I hope he makes a good recovery. I am sending good thoughts for him.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That is really, really scary! We're glad your Dady's injuries were not any worse. That's bad enough as it is. We're sure you're going to be taking really good care of him.

Tama and Benny

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Purrs for all of you! That must've been so scary.

The Island Cats said...

What a terrible thing to have happen! I am sending my best healing purrs to your dad, Leo. ~Errnie

catladymac said...

Purrayers and Power of the Paw to your Dad ! Something similar happened tothe Lone tar Cats' Grampoa ! We hope you are able to hold your Dad down comfotably so everybody gets lost of rest!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh dear, how very scary! We all send mega purrs and prayers to your Daddy.

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh No! We are purraying for your Dad to get better soon! He sounds like he might be a little broken but his spirits is good!

Kitties Blue said...

Goodness, what a terrible thing to happen. We are sending exactly what you requested, purrs, prayers and POTP. Even if you were scared and hiding your face, Leo, you still look cute in your selfie. Happy New Year. The new one has to be way better than the old. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

meowmeowmans said...

We are sorry your dad was in that accident! That is truly scary! We are purring and praying he will be okay. XO

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

How scary for you all!

Sending lots of healing purrs and thoughts xx

Katie Isabella said...

A terrible terrible bad thing! How frightening and how painful. As I said on FB I was hoping that person got charged for the accident and since he was zipping in and out cutting people off...I hope he is appropriately charged.

Summer said...

That is totally scary! At least your male human is on the mend, and he wasn't more badly injured. Not a good way to end 2021. :-(

Katie Isabella said...

How is your Daddy?