Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Auction Results!

 Did ya see?? Did ya?? Oh my gosh! I hope you saw over at Daily Dose, the Winnie's Wish blog, that we got the results of the auction! 

Let me post it here too! 

Drum Roll!

The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction brought in:


Whoo hoo!!!! Yes, we rounded up to make it even, but it's still amazing!

Thank you to everyone who participated, who shared, and who visited!! We couldn't have done it without you!! Thank you again!!

This is the best kind of Thankful Thursday for us, and especially for Winnie's Wish!!! Yay!!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Caturday Art

 I went back a bit to find this picture of Cashmere from the 7th, her happy sleeper picture, for this weeks Caturday art. I used lunapic and wanted to do an all Christmas theme again, but the way this picture is, that didn't work. Her face isn't centered so it was using her fluff as the focus of some of the things and I gave up and went to a few non Christmas favorites. But lets start with the Christmas ones that did work!
Christmas Needlework

Christmas Lights

Christmas clipart


And the original


I want to thank everyone for their kind words on Pipers passing. She will be missed. 


Sunday, December 12, 2021


 If you're a long time reader, you may recall that I got my mother a cat for mother's day in 2017. Piper was a very chubby sweetheart that soon became my mom's best buddy. 
When we lost my mom in 2019 Piper went to live with my sister. Actually, she moved in with her while my mother was in the hospital and rehab. Piper missed my mom but came to love my sister and her husband too. 
My sister and her husband moved into my mom's old house and Piper was back in her home, and happy, and loved. 
Yesterday, suddenly, Piper passed away in my sisters arms. 
Earlier this week Piper was at the vets, they couldn't find anything seriously wrong with her except that she seemed anemic. They weren't going to do any extensive testing at the moment, more wait and see because she should be ok. The vet did talk about possibly doing leukemia testing in the future. 
I know cats can hide sickness for a long time, but this was a shock. I think we're all in shock. 

 I think it's only fitting that her memorial picture has her with her paw on my mother urn. She passed away two years and four days after my mother.
Fly Free Sweet Piper, we'll see you at the rainbow bridge, where you are hopefully in my mom's lap. 


The Winnie's Wish Auction has ended, everyone has been emailed. Hopefully we'll have wonderful numbers to share with you all soon. Thank you for your support!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Caturday Art & Last Hours of Auction

I'm using Leo's Santa Watch picture and I'm doing it up Christmas! Lunapic has some interesting options that I had not explored before. 

Christmas Needlework

Christmas Ornament

Christmas Cliparts

Christmas Lights

And the original


The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction ends tonight (Saturday) at Midnight EST! Be sure to get your bids in on time!

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! So bid early and bid often! :)


Friday, December 10, 2021

Thankful Throwback Thursday a day late..

I, Cashmere, declare myself to be Queen of the Boxes! Every box is mine! I own them all! I will rule with a velvet paw! Leave the boxes to me, and I will be generous, allowing you any bed in the house. Displease me, take my box, any box and I will respond with force of claw!

Keep those comments and snickers to yourself, shredder boy... Or I'll be forced to tattle about who really destroyed the... what's that? Being quiet now. Good...

Destroyed the what, Cashmere? Cashmere. Cashie.. Hey, I'm not buying your pretend to be asleep routine.. oh wait, you're snoring, must be real sleep. Well, I want some answers when you wake up!
They are always thankful for boxes!
But we are all thankful for the response to the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction
It's still going! Ends Saturday at midnight so hurry and get your bids in!

These items have no bids yet: 
Item #68  ENDS: Date/Time    Red Paws Scarf & Pet Scarf
Item #69  ENDS: Date/Time    Purple Abstract Kitties Scarf
Item #70  ENDS: Date/Time    Multi Color Small Scarf
Item #71  ENDS: Date/Time    Yellow Kitty Filet Scarf
Item #82  ENDS: Date/Time   Steampunk Cat Necklace

Item #83  ENDS: Date/Time   Kitten in a Heart Necklace

Item #87  ENDS: Date/Time   Cat Head Cookie Cutter
Item #88  ENDS: Date/Time   Cat Paw Cookie Cutter
Item #89  ENDS: Date/Time   Christmas Pet Tie

Item #90  ENDS: Date/Time   Valentine Pet Tie
Item #91  ENDS: Date/Time   Black Cat Face Necklace With Ears

Item #92  ENDS: Date/Time   Black Cat Foot Socks

Item #96  ENDS: Date/Time    Reindeer Pet Costume

Item #98  ENDS: Date/Time    Kitten in Denim Necklace 2
Item #99  ENDS: Date/Time    Kitten in Denim Necklace 1
And there are lots more with bids that could use more bids! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Santa Watch

 Leo: Are you out there Santa? We been really good, we need some nip! Daddy put the 'tree' up and now we need something to put under it. I sure hope you can hear me because even though I have thumbs, I can't write! 

The tree in question.

It's been a rough year health wise around here, Greg's a mess, I'm a bit better than him but not at my best. Even Leo and Glitter have colds. So this might be the extent of our Christmas decor. At least it's cats!! So we're all good! 

The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction ends Saturday at midnight! I have put up the last of the items and I hope you see something you like. Think Christmas shopping for your cats, your friends with cats, or even for yourself! 

Please share our last few days of the auction! 

Every Bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! 

Hope you are all having a wonderful Season!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Happy Sleeper

 Do you see the smile on Cashmere's face while she's sleeping here?
Cashmere: Zzzzzzpurrrrrzzzzzpurrrrrrrzzzz
And do you know why she's smiling? Because that's her daddy's leg she's up against. She adores him and loves to be touching him while she sleeps. He obliges her of course, and stays there as long as he can so she can have her happy sleeping spot. 
We're coming down to the wire!  The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction ends this Saturday at midnight! Be sure to get your bids in! By tonight I'll have everything that's going to be posted up on the auction site. Beds and toys and other fun stuff just waiting for you! Holiday shopping anyone? :)

Share our final week won't you? use the banners below if you can!

Here are a few of the items waiting for you: