Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Two for Tuesday And Auction Results

Remember that cuddled up picture I shared the other day? This is why I was so thrilled with it. This is actually closer than they usually get! Sharing a pillow, but not in any way touching. My independent fuzzy babies!

 Leo: I know how to share... 
Glitter: Sometimes. 
Leo: Occasionally...
Glitter: When we want to turn mommy into a pile of goo.
Leo: hee hee
Glitter: Speaking of making mommy all weepy..
Leo: Mommy had leaky eyes this week because of some of you. See, she could not get any cards out this year and even missed the deadline for both the blogosphere card exchange and the secret santa. She didn't even get an ecard/banner made.
Glitter: And then the mail arrived.. And there were cards.
Leo: Mommy got cards from kitty people! She blubbered to daddy "look, they remembered me" 
Glitter: Mommy's emotional this year. And you all touched her heart.
Leo: So we thank you! Lots! Even though we get wet furs from her weepy snuggles. 
Glitter: This includes the ecards! 
Leo: We loves you all! 
Glitter; Merry Christmas!!!

Speaking of leaky eyes! Did you all see over at Daily Dose that Chrystal announced how much the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction brought in for the Wishers? Be sure to stop over and see!!! Daily Dose of Dogs (AKA Cats With Your Coffee) is the Winnie's Wish blog! 

Did you go see? 

I'll post it here too, but let me give some space so if you want to be surprised on the Daily Dose blog you dont see it here before clicking the link!


Ok, so you want to see it here? 

Here it is...

The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction brought in....

Drum roll!!!!

All because of you! Thank you all!! 
And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Much Love to everyone!! 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Leo's Sunday Selfie

Leo says: Hi Furrends! I'm doin' the selfie thing today! I'm also blocking mommy from working on a Christmas present that has to be done real soon, so double score! We all want to say a great big THANK YOU to everyone who went to the Winnie's Wish Auction or shared it or bid or sent donations! You made it a huge success! Even better than mommy thought it was gonna be since it was last minute with no warning ahead of time and all! We're gonna let Miss Chrystal share the results first, then we'll post it here after she does! It's gonna help the Wishers for a good while, so thank you again!

If you'll pardon me now, I's gonna nap on this thing so she can't work for a while. Night night! zzzzzzzzzz

By the way, coming soon, also to benefit Winnie's Wish, there will be a raffle for a velvet fancy cat sofa! We'll share a picture soon! 


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Happy Tuesday

 You all don't even know how happy today's picture makes me! Seriously folks, my heart sings seeing this! 
Leo: Mom's gushing again..
Glitter: I know.. quick, give me a lick and we'll see if she melts into a puddle of goo!
Leo: Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that, but I'm gonna stay here, so.. win win, right?
Glitter: Cool. But I'm gonna purr now and see if I can make her cry, ok?
Leo: Deal. 

I just know they are mocking me.. but I don't care! My kitties NEVER snuggle up together. I mean it's so rare that I about flip the heck out whenever it does happen! And I have to be careful not to squeeee so they don't run! 
You see, it was always my dream to one day see a pile of gray kitties curled up together. Star, who was our kitty when Leo arrived, absolutely noped outta that ever happening with her! Shoot, we were glad when they were in the same room! Then the girls arrived and I thought that they would at least snuggle each other, after all, they were bonded! But nope, once they got comfortable enough to be out where their pictures could be taken, they found separate comfy spots to curl up in and never curled up together. Leo took forever to realize that hey, these were his sisters come back into his life and not want to smack or run from them, so no cuddling with him either. Now they will sleep on the same bed or chair, but never touching. 
Until this picture! I have proof! They do this so rarely that I can count it on one hand, half a hand!
I know it probably won't happen again soon, but I have the picture and I'm gonna look at it all the time and dream! 


Today is it! The last day of the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction!! It ends at midnight EST (or is it daylight savings time... either way, when my clock says midnight, that's it!) So get your bids in before you miss out! 

Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! I don't know how much Chrystal spends on food for the Wishers, but she told me recently that she spends $240 a month on litter alone! Wow! That's a lot of scooping! So keep on bidding, so we can keep them in litter and food for a good long while! 
Thank you all!! 

Here's an idea of some of the items still up for bids! 
 (click the pictures for direct links to these individual items)

This is a set of 3 nip filled fish tacos and I've decided to open this one item up to more than one winner. I will make sets for anyone who makes a minimum bid! Time's running out soon, so hurry!



Monday, December 14, 2020

Mancat Monday

Leo: Mancat Monday means mega-naps! Time to snuggle up, curl up, and purr/snore! Who's with me?


At midnight tomorrow, the Winne's Wish Holiday Auction ends! Do you have your bids in? Have you seen the newest things added? Are you sure? Make sure you take a final peek before the whole thing ends! 

Remember every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! 32 sanctuary cats need food and litter and care every day and thanks to you, they get it! 



Saturday, December 12, 2020

Caturday Art with Leo

 Wow, it's been so long since I did a Caturday Art that I forgot what website I used! Luckily I remembered to look at old posts and there it was, lunapic! 
I used Leo's Selfie picture and made a few cute variations.




And the original


Three days left of the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction!! Be sure go get your bids in! Lots of wonderful things left! Please keep sharing!!!

I have a few more nip toy sets to add later today or tomorrow and a couple nip sardine toys that are almost done! 


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Selfie With Leo

 Leo here, I stole Glitter's favorite spot to do my selfie. 

Think she'll mind? Think she'll notice? Well, I kinda hope she does, then I can give her a slow motion whappy paw to tell her that I can sit here too! hee hee! Oh wait, I think I might have to go nap on mommy before Glitter shows up... decisions decisions!
Anyway, this is my 'brooding' look, think it works? I'm hoping to impress a certain tuxie girl with my ennui..

Don't forget the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction is going on! New stuff has been added, including some doggy stuff! Be sure to have a look! And share if you can! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday with Cashmere

 Cashmere here! My most favorite thing in the world is my daddy! 

I am so thankful for him and that I get to sit by him any time he sits down! I give him my eyes of love and he pets me! I'm one happy girl!!
We are all so very thankful for everyone who have already visited the Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction! There are so many bids already, yay!! Thankful also for those of you who have passed on word of the auction! Please keep sharing, we appreciate it so much! 
Feel free to use the banner below, and remember, keep on bidding, every dollar helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! THANK YOU!!



Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's Here!! Auction Time!!

 Finally! The Winnie's Wish Holiday Auction is live and on line!! Whew, it took a long time to get this one going! But it's here!! Yay!!! 

 Because it's so late getting going, it's going to be a short one, only until the 15th of December so get your bids in early! 

Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish Cat Rescue and Sanctuary! There are 33 cats who need food and litter every day and of course vet care and everything else that keeping kitties entails, so every single dollar means a lot! 

Any questions, feel free to email me anniclan AT aol DOT com

Please feel free to use the badge above or this sidebar sized one below! Any help advertising the auction is greatly appreciated! 

 Thank you everyone!!