Friday, January 26, 2018

Funday Friday

Before I get to the funday stuff, I have to show you a corrected version of my kitties. How could I, a loving cat mom, forget that my girls have tan noses, not black/gray??? Oh the humiliation! And since I went back to fix that, I decided to do a little photoshop-ish fix up of the light colors around their eyes. None of the choices fit exactly, so I did it myself. Along with adding the little darkness at Cashmere's lips. It's so cute, looks like she's puckering up! Not that it's easy to tell that because the cartoon Cashmere has her mouth open, as the real Cashy does often.

And as long as I was touching up, I gave Leo a gray nose, not a black one, to match his real one! I might, someday, play with it and lengthen Leo's tail and shorten Glitters because Leo has, I swear, the longest tail in existence, and Glitter's is oddly short.
(click to enlarge)

On to Funday!

Cashmere: What the heck... Exploding Kittens?? EXPLODING KITTENS!! You call that a game??

Cashmere: I just can't even.. Nope, just can't..

Cashmere: What does this one even mean? "See the future" I'll got your future... and it ain't pretty!
Cashmere: You sick, sick humans.. I'll show you what I think of your 'game'! I'ma eat it!

Cashmere: What do these "Defuse the cat" cards even mean? "Distract with Laser pointer" Let's get this straight, peoples.. Pointers are dogs, not cats! And if you think pointing at something will distr... Hey! RED DOT!!! Gotta go!!

Despite the name.. I love this game! And seriously, my cats explode all over the house after toys, microscopic dust motes, and invisible whatchacallits, don't yours??

Monday, January 22, 2018

My Cartoon Kitties

Years ago, I made a cartoon of Leo and Star. They were so cute. I never made ones of the girls, so I took a few minutes and finally got them their very own cartoon avatars! I think they came out pretty good, so I updated Leo's a little.


There's my babies! What do you think?

By the way, if you haven't done your kitties and want to, here's the link. We did not save it, but took a screen shot and saved it in paint.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Butterfly Video

We have had the sickies around here, which means all we have been wanting to do is the sleepies. But I think we're on the mend, so we're back to blogging!

Remember when we got our Secret Santa gifties and I said I had let Cashmere have a quick play with it before the other kitties knew it was there, before Christmas?

Well I got the video out of my niece's phone so I can finally share it! Part of it is sideways, couldn't figure out how to change that, but I did figure out how to splice together a few small clips into one! I do suggest you full screen it because it's kinda tiny. But clearer than if it had been on my phone. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Caturday Art

I was thinking about doing the Caturday art anyway, but then I saw Sweet Perfections GORGEOUS picture and I knew I had to! I have never used an on line picture editor, but when I saw that, it was time to try! So cool! So many more things than my Gimp has to offer! They had used Lunapic so I went there to see how it worked. I'm telling you.. I had a hard time stopping making new pictures! So cool!!

I used the Smile picture of Leo from our Secret Paws post because it's just so awesome!

This one is our sorta copy of Sweet perfections, the Beauty art and snowfall animation. I know it's a little girly.. but it's so pretty!!

This one is called Candy art with a taped boarder.

This one is on my gimp because I didn't care for their cartoon, and I always love the cartoonify in gimp.

This one is Dreaming art. It striped him!

This is Floating art and a bevel boarder. Pastels are for boys too, right??

This is Lego with a bevel boarder. I know it doesn't look like him, but it's Legos!! lol

This is Surreal Painting with a picture frame.
And finally! This one is Pen with a rounded boarder and drop shadow
And here's the original!


Friday, January 5, 2018

Secret Paws!

Leo Here! You all won't believe this, but there's this Secret Paws thingie in the Cat Blogosphere and we have never participated in it before! Me 'n Glitter 'n Cashmere feel ripped off! Because THIS YEAR mom got us into it and it is AWESOME!

We got to pick out some totally cool toys to send to another family of kitties and then some kitties sent US toys! Chandra from Life from a Cat’s Perspective sent us some awesome pawsome toys! Thank you Chandra!!! We loves them!

Mommy said we could not open out box of awesomeness until Christmas! Unfair! But then, in an even more unfair move, she got out one of the toys early, but the only kitty around to check it out was Cashmere! Totally unfair!!

Mommy says she has been trying to get one of these butterfly toys for us for a long time but they keep running out and cancelling her order, blah blah blah, what-ev... And I don't buy for one minute that she just wanted to see it run and Cashmere just happened to be the only kitty in the room at the time. All she had to do was call us! Me 'n Glitter would have come! Ok, maybe.. ok, probably not.. but it would have been OUR choice, right!?

Anyway, here's Cashmere, without me 'n Glitter, playing with the butterfly toy BEFORE Christmas.

Cashmere: Ooo a spinning butterfly!

Cashmere: I'm gonna put the bitey on it!

Cashmere: Hello flower, did you know you had a butterfly flying around you in a big fluttery circle?

Cashmere: Hey! The butterfly whapped into me! Hee hee, I guess he WANTS to be chomped!

Leo: Ok, now to Christmas. Well, actually AFTER Christmas because mommy and daddy left us for Christmas day, and then left outta town for New Years and then finally, FINALLY, gave us our box of awesomeness! I got to inspect first! ha!

Leo: Not sure you need to lure me into the box of awesomeness with the fevvers on a string, mom, but ok, CHOMP!

Cashmere: What's all this? So many new things, AND that butterfly toy! But it's behind plastic.. how am I supposed to chomp it in there??

Cashmere: Oh! Hello flying feathers!
Leo: That's Fevvers! and they're mine, so back off!
Cashmere: Chill dude, there's enough for all of us!

Cashmere: You play with the "fevvers" and I will continue with the inspection!

Cashmere: Nope, changed my mind! FEVVERS!! CHOMP!!!!

Glitter: Hey, how come I'm last to the party! Oooo look at all the pretties!
Leo: You're last because you don't get up from your nap for anything!
Glitter: I'd get up for this!

Leo: After we all got a peek and a sniff at the toys in the box, mom decided to toss them all on the floor so we could play with them easier! There were too many girls around, so I jumped up on the bed to watch for a while. Cashmere wandered off, but came back pretty quick.

Glitter: Oh. So. Many. Choices! I don't know where to start!

Cashmere: I think I see one I wanna play with!
Glitter: There's so many to pick from! I want to get them all!

Cashmere: This one has a ribbon tail! I'm gonna have to chomp it!
Glitter: Chomp it good! Then share... because I like ribbon tails too!

Leo: Mom picked out a rainbow mousie with the soft stringy stuff wrapped around it and a bell on it's tail and tossed it to me! She knows I like that soft satiny stringy stuff because I totally chomped through a necklace she had made with it! heh heh heh!

Leo: Thanks mom! Oh Mousie, yer gonna be my fav! At least until I deprive you of your tail! heh heh! But don't worry, there's lots of other toys I can choose as my NEXT favorite from this awesome batch of Secret Paws toys!


Leo: Now that oughta be the show stopper picture! I know there's lots more pictures of our play session, and I'm sure mom will share more of them soon. But we're gonna end our Secret Paws Post with this great picture because it's the best! (even if it is a little outta focus)

Merry 12th Day of Christmas Everyone! Mom got this one in just under the wire! Because Tomorrow is Little Christmas, (or Epiphany) and that's the last day of Christmas for a whole year! We hope you all had as wonderful of a Christmas/Holiday Season as we did! And thanks again to our Secret Paws friends, Life From A Cat's Perspective! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!