Wednesday, September 20, 2017

MeARRRRRow, It's Pirate Day!

It's late (ok early AM), I had MORE pre-op testing today (3 hour drive each way), I'm exhausted, not sleeping because of nerves anyway, totally missed our 30th Wedding anniversary (because of the regular pre-op testing last week, also 3 hours each way and about 4 hours of testing/talking/preparing), surgery moved up to this Thursday, more anxiety filled nearly sleepless nights.. But..
I have NEVER (to my sleep addled memory) missed a Pirate day yet and I'm not going to now!

There's no way I'm up to making new pirate pictures, so please bear with me and pretend it's throw back Thursday Pirate day! (Way Back Wednesday?)

The first Captain Leo I ever made! (I think, remember, sleep addled brain here!)

A better Captain Leo!

And the girls, Glitter and Cashmere, Mercat sirens luring pirates to their deaths!

Wouldn't be right to not include the fierce Pirate Queen, Star, our own special angel.

Arrgh! Yo ho! Drink up, me hearties! Walk the plank! Shiver me timbers! It's the pirates life for me!!
(Ok, THIS is probably my last blog for a while, surgery and recovery, yup, 3 hours from home! Won't be back until Sunday most likely, but don't worry about the kitties, they have someone here caring for them and the house!)
Have a Great Pirate Day!!


Summer said...

I'm sending you purrs for your surgery! If I could, I would visit and give you some of my therapy cat healing energy in person!

Eastside Cats said...

Relax, you've got this! The docs will do their thang, and you'll be ready to go in no time. Sending you purrs and hugs.

Mr Puddy said...

By the time you know, It will be OVER !
I send you a ton of purrs plus good thoughts =^x^=
You will be fine ! paws crossed for you as well.

PS : when my mom had her surgery, the hardest part was starving before surgery. the suffering part was healing.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a wonderful Pirate post!!! All the best on the surgery and purrs and hugs from all of us!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....ewe all look feeerce...happee pie rats day N sendin best fishez two yur mom that all goez well N herz on de road two ree coveree N sooooper health like pron toe ♥♥♥♥♥

Timmy Tomcat said...

You can post those any old time as they are all some of the BEST pirate Meows we have seen!
We send purrs and prayers that the surgery goes well
Timmy, Dad Pete and Family

catladymac said...

Purrs and prayers that all goes well with your medical issues and you are soon home with your lovely pirate kitties !

The Island Cats said...

We're purring that all goes well with your surgery and you make a quick and complete recovery!

Katie Isabella said...

I'l; be waiting to hear from you again or maybe Greg could let us know how you are? Leo, you look like a million dollars and are hot hot hot!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh what pawesome pirates you are!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

There is no such thing as a late pirate. Have ya ever seen a pirate wearing a wristwatch? Ya show up when ya show up!

Outstanding piratey pictures...

Noodle Cat said...

We just know it will all be fine.
So, sit back and have a super duper Sunday...

Noodle and crew