Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Last Day!!

This is it! Today is the last day of the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction! (until sometime in the new year anyway) so if you want some of the lovely Christmas themed things, or wonderful gifty things, or even a treat for yourself or your own animals, this is THE day!

This has been going wonderfully, lets end it on a high note and sell out! :D

Every bid, every won item, means food in Wishers' bellies, litter in their boxes, spay and neuter surgeries, medical help and medicines! Every bid goes to helping these wonderful kitties! Kitties who, by the way, are in serious need of great homes! What a Christmas wish that would be: selling out the auction AND homing all the ready to go kitties! Shall we try, dear friends?? I hope you will!

Here are a few of the still available items, just to whet your appetite for a bid!

How has this been here so long! Wouldn't it make a great gift for someone who loves to decorate in purple? or maybe loves Wysteria? Or needs a serine scene to gaze upon and relax? It's a gorgeous print that deserves a home!

There are other colors of these jingly collars! Adjustable!

 More colors of these bowties too!

(the kitty version of this stocking can be ordered!
As can nearly any crocheted item you've seen on
the auction that you may have missed,
just email me! anniclan AT aol DOT com)

Need a holiday, or everyday blog header?
This could be the item for you!

 And this is not all! Be sure to look and see if there's something fun that you need to get before time is up!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Two for Tuesday

Glitter: Sorry dad, if you wanna sleep here, you have to only use the middle part of the bed.
Leo: zzzzzzzzzzzzznotmovingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

They either do not want to share, or they want to snuggle up tight against Greg and not let him go, no compromise, no middle ground. Well, except what's left this time!


Speaking of Two! Only two more shopping days on the Winnie's Wish Insta Auction!!

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish so please please have a look!

And since it's Giving Tuesday, if you don't see anything on the auction that you like, consider going to the Daily Dose blog and using the donate button! Donations and wish list items always seriously needed! Thank you!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful ThrowBack Thursday

It's Thanksgiving Day here in the USA. I was not able to make a new picture for it this year, or apparently the last few years.. since the only picture I could find was from when we had only Leo and Star.
So this is my TBT! And we are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
We hope all of our dear blogging friends, USA and elsewhere, have a wonderful, thank filled day! We love you all!

We are thankful for friends and family and furiends near and far! We are thankful for warm beds and an abundant supply of catnip toys! We are thankful for cat trees and bunny/bird/squirrel TV!

I am personally thankful that I get to leave rehab for a few hours to see my family! That's a luxury a lot of people here do not have because their family and friends are too far away. I wish I were going home for good, but at least I get out for a little bit and there is the possibility that I might be able to sneak home and cuddle my kitties for a few minutes if my pain levels allow! (shoot, even if they don't maybe!) shhh, don't tell! lol!
I'm also very thankful for the friends I've met through the blogging world, love every one of you and wish I could personally give each one of you a hug!


I'm also thankful that I get to help Winnie's Wish with the Insta-Auction! It will end on November 30th, though each initial bid still gets it's own seven days, until we run out of days, then everything still open will end at midnight EDT on November 30.
We would be thankful if you stopped by to see if there is something you might want for a gift to give on Christmas or something for your kitties, or even something just for you! Thank you!
We are thankful for every bid because it helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! We are thankful that every bid helps Chrystal to be able to rescue even more! We are thankful that every bid helps keep every kitty there healthy, fed, and in comfort in the cat house!


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wordless Wednesday with Cashmere


Remember the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction ends at the end of this month! Shop early for the holidays! Get something wonderful for your pets! Find something awesome for yourself! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!


Monday, November 21, 2016

MultiCat Monday

It's not fair. I was thrilled when I would get two kitties to sleep with me. Twice I think I had all three for a little while. But Greg... He gets them all, all the time! He sent me this:

That's Leo on the left, Glitter half missing on the right, and Cashmere down by the feet.

Greg SAYS they pin him in so he cant move, but I don't see him making them leave either! I need to get home and put a stop to this!


Please be sure to stop in at the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction! It will come to an end at the end of the month, so be sure to get your holiday shopping done now!

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! And being as full as they are, every dollar helps!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wordless Wednesday with Cashmere


The Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction will close on November 30th until sometime in the new year. Currently, the seven day bids are still in effect, but come closer to the end of the month and everything that has a bid will end on the 30th at midnight EST. I hope that makes sense...

Meanwhile, I have added several new items! Pillow covers, catnip sticks, beds, and there are many things that would make great Christmas gifts for friends or animals! Not to mention Ann of Zoolatry's blog header! Need a header for the holidays? get it here and help the kitties!
Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Mancat Monday

Leo: I got my lasers set on stunning, just in case any ladycats are out there, especially a certain mustachioed ladycat, merow!

Have I just missed it, or did blogger just add the emoji thingie? Love the kitty ones! 😻


I have a few more things to add to the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction. I think I will stop taking bids at the end of the month and close the auction at least until next year. There are some Christmas items. There are some things that would make great gifts, for your friends, your kitties, or even for you! Please do check them out! .

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! So bid early and bid often! 😸

Winnie's Wish is also in great need of adoptions! Please share the kitties and ask your friends to share them! Someone out there knows the perfect wonderful home for a kitty or two!
Donations and Wish List items are also greatly appreciated, you'll find links to both on the Daily Dose site and on the Auction site.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Caturday Art

It had been my plan to post all week this past week.. as you can see that didn't go so well. So I decided to try my hand at Caturday Art again! I found a picture of Glitter that I used a while back and played with it with my GIMP program. I love this picture because she's sleeping with her head nearly upside down and it's just too cute!

The original:

The one I always have to use because I like it so: Cartoon

Another I always like: Emboss

This was called Lens, I don't know what it's supposed to be or do, but it kind of rounded her head and made her look like a hamster!

This is Neon, but then I had to lighten it a little so the edges and colors showed.

And finally, first I used Oilify to make it look like a painting, then I applied Canvas to enhance the painting effect, and when I was done, I decided it needed a frame so I put on a beveled boarder!

I had fun and could have kept going making more effects, but I have to be up for a VERY early physical therapy session to make up for missing a day so I have to at least TRY to get some sleep!


There are many awesome items on the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction! I hope you'll take time to stop over and maybe think about shopping for the holidays on the Auction!

Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish! So if you find a gift for someone, or some pet, it's really a double gift, one for your person/critter and one for the Wishers!


Caturday Art Blog Hop!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Two for Tuesday

Or: How Daddy Sleeps

Or: How Daddy DOESN'T Sleep!

Seriously though, without the momma there to snuggle at night, they've all done what any reasonable cat would do. They pin down the other human to make sure he can't go anywhere!

Leo: You may as well put away your phone, you know you're never going to get a good shot now.
Glitter: Besides, you keep cutting off my head and I'm not about to move and make it any easier on you!

This time it's Glitter and Leo, but sometimes Cashmere gets in on this as well. Cashmere is the only one who used to sleep with her daddy on a regular basis before, so now I wonder if she's getting squeezed out by the other two needy ones?


Have you seen the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction? Still lots of good stuff, and more coming soon!

Remember, every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mancat Monday

Love it when Leo sleeps on his back and you can see all his fluffy belly furs!
Leo: I know you want to pet my tummy, or tickle my fluffy back toes.. go ahead, it's not a trap.. heh heh heh
Yes it is!
I don't know if I've used this picture before or not, I ran across it in my picture folder and just loved it. I couldn't find where I'd cropped it or used it before so here it is! And if I did use it before, well, still cute as heck! :)
I know it's early yet, but the holidays are coming! Could the perfect gift for your kitty or your kitty loving friend, (or even yourself!) be in the Winnie's Wish Insta-Auction? Why don't you have a peek just in case. :)

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!

and don't forget there are lots of kitties there who need wonderful forever homes, so please share them today!