Thursday, January 14, 2016

Throwback Thursday

Before I get to the throwback, I want to thank Ann of Zoolatry for my new header! I loves it! Ann does great work and her prices are reasonable so if you're looking to make over your blog, think of her!

Second, if you don't read Katiez Furry Mewz, please go over and read about a kitty in need of surgery. Her owner has been having trouble making rent even with generous donations and now her kitty is sick.

Now to the TBT post! It's from January 27, 2012 and is called "Table Trouble" Hope it gives you a giggle!


I know that there are many of you out there who don't mind cats on your counters and tables. I know that there are many of you who think even if you don't allow it, that the cats get up there anyway. Around here, we've worked hard over the years at getting the cats to know that they do not belong on counters or tables.

I will admit this next bit only to you.... I know that they do get on the counters, but I prefer them to hide this fact from me because if I don't know, it's not gonna bother me. Don't tell Greg though! He believes they don't get up where they aren't supposed to! And I sure as heck ain't gonna be the one to tell him any different!

The broken curtain rod on the window who's only access is from the counter or stove? I have no idea how that happened! So the bend in the rod resembles a certain black cat's belly and there is black fur on the curtain, I'm sure the rod bent from age and the fur means I need to vacuum more.. (his name was Calvin, he was so well behaved, except for this one window thing)

Tongue prints in the butter? Can't be!

Paw prints in the kitchen sink? That must be a water spot from an odd shaped dish..

Someone knocked stuff off the counter? Must have been one of us..

Fur clumps on the stove? They had to have floated there on some freak indoor wind..

Someone keeps opening the curtains that I can't reach past the table? Huh, maybe the rod is just slippery. No, those are not claw pulls in the gauzy material..

Denial, not just a river in Egypt! That's my motto!

Now that I've set the stage, so to speak: Along came Leo. By the time he arrived our kitchen table was turned into a computer table. And even though Greg wanted the 'no cats on the table' rule to stay intact, I was a little more lenient. Mostly because I didn't have my laptop when he arrived and sat there a lot during the day and Leo loved to hang over my shoulder there. Then he'd slide down and boy, he got heavy so I'd rest my arm on the table, and before too long it was Leo resting on my wrist rest. I told him that if Greg caught us, Leo's new name was 'wrist' so he was allowed to rest there!

When it comes to the folding table that we actually use for dinner, I'm with Greg. I'm not crazy about the thought of kitty butts where we eat..

Tonight I glanced up from my laptop and saw this:
Scanning... hmm, no chicken. Rats

Before I digress into 'who could yell at that face to get down??' take a good look at that picture, there's a lot going on! Aside from the fact that it hasn't been wiped off yet, just ignore that please... Notice the double lasers glowing along the table, like he's trying to slice it in half. Notice the one fat paw on the table. There were two when I looked up, I think that was his attempt to show that he was not, in fact, on the table. There's the nose just below the edge, hidden at the same time the other paw went down.
There's the complete absence of his huge floofy tail! There's the fact that he's completely ignoring the feather behind him! There's his LONG tummy! And then there's the back feet!

Let's get a close up on those:
You can totally see the extra back toes! You usually can't that well, they're much less obvious than his front paws. They look like little hands standing there.. or as his front paws were once described, like little blooming onions!

Back to the subject. All I had to do was look at him and he knew to drop back down. What a good boy! I was proud of him, and saw no reason to wake Greg in his chair to share the experience of having such an obedient boy.

I gave him a good snuggling, then he went off to see if his snack had magically appeared. He does that several times a day. I went back to reading kitty blogs because I'm kind of addicted to them.. Don't tell anyone!

A little while later, not even half an hour! I heard a noise, looked up and saw this!!
Hey. How ya doin'?

Gasp! ON the table Leo? Right in front of me?? Say it ain't so! Say my boy wouldn't disobey so blatantly right in front of my face! While daddy's right in the room too?! Get your butt down from there!

Daddy's snoring. Besides, I can't get down. Princess HissyFace is chasing me again.

And she was. She was sitting right below him, not letting him get down. I told her to chill out and keep moving, but she ignored me and stared at him. He glanced at her and didn't move. Alright, I'll have to deal with this, "Star, stop being ornery and go play with your kick-a-roo!"

That did it. Not that she paid any attention, but it woke up Greg! He was all, "Hey, what's he doing on the table!" I told him that his baby girl was preventing him from getting down. He scoffed, "Come here, Star" She went. Leo got down. Whew!

Now we can go back to believing they don't get where they don't belong!


Marg said...

That is one terrific picture of you Leo, with your front paws up on the table with hopes of getting up there. Too funny. Just goes to show that cats do win out in the end since you got right up on that table. Good boy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure hope things work out for dear Guero and Silvia. Hey, about that table stuff...we've all got good table manners around here!

Eastside Cats said...

My dream is to have a polydactyl kitty! Someday...

Summer said...

I think it is really funny that humans think we kitties can be "not allowed" to go places in the house. Because the house totally belongs to us, and we can do what we want!

Katie Isabella said...

Summer said it! That's my comment too but I want to say I thoroughly enjoyed this blog today! LOVED it and still smiling. xo

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys....yur new header iz total lee awesum .....grate job bye maggy & zoey !!!

N we N joyed reedin two dayz post... but honest lee, frum wear we iz...we due knot see any cat on any table in either fotoz...

N dood...thatz de BEST use oh lazer we haz seen ina looooooooong time; yea....saw that taybull rite in half !!!! ♥♥♥

a carpenter wood pay top dollar ta bee that eggs act !!! ♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great photo of Leo peering over the table!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love the new header!

We can get up on tables and such, but TBT is a bit fussy about the kitchen counter where he prepares food. And we try ta follow that rule. Its not like he leaves open cans of Stinkey Goodness or pieces of cooked chicken up there.

But he seriously cant be TOO surprized iffen some pile of Nip leafs he picked and left up there are "slightly" disturbed" overnight...

Furries said...

Love the photo of Leo stretched up & looking over the table.
I can get on just about anything. I'm not supposed to get in the habit of being on the dining room table so that I don't scratch it, but it has a tablecloth so mom doesn't worry to much. I can be on the kitchen counters unless mom is preparing meals, then I must stay off.

The Island Cats said...

OMC! Those are some lasers Leo has! We love your header.

pilch92 said...

I love your new header. Leo's lasers are great too. I am praying for Guero, I wish I could donate.