Thursday, May 28, 2015

Beddy Bye Tail

This story took place over a few days/weeks while we were deep into wedding mania and it's going to take a few posts to share the whole thing.

Sometimes you have to take a break or you'll go crazy staring at yards of satin and chiffon and glitter.. So I took a little time one day to make a cute little beddy for the kitties. I had seen pictures of it and thought well that looks easy! And figured I could throw it together in maybe an hour. Do you hear the death knell yet? I sure didn't..

I bought a couple of yards of cheap material (a dollar a yard, where do you find that any more!) Then I went to find the instructions. Hmm, they had to be there somewhere, right? Hello, instructions! Where are you?! All I could find was a set of pictures on a site in a foreign language. There were no instructions for me to put in a translator even! Just pictures!

Well, I've been sewing for more years than I'm going to admit, so surely, I could figure it out by these pictures, right? What death knell? I'm sure that's just something on the TV or something...

It took most of the day, and ripping out more seams than I ever have, but I finally finished the bed! And wow, some measurements sure would have helped! The bed was HUGE! And the walls probably shorter than they needed to be. I mean, I have some large kitties, but this thing could fit two of them with room to spare! I bet if they tried, all three of them could fit! Seriously, it looked more like a bed for a mid sized dog than a cat.. But it also looked really soft! So with a confidence that really made that death knell ring, I tossed it onto the floor and waited for the kitties to notice and love it and adore me for making them so comfy!

And I waited......

Finally! Cashmere noticed!

What fresh hell is this? I disdain it, whatever it is.
 Sigh... Maybe someone else will like it!

Along came Leo!

What the fluff... Um, I don't think so! Buh bye!

And fancy pants just kept walking..

Is anyone ever going to like it?? Guess you'll have to keep reading. :)

PS, it's the angle of the picture that makes Leo look like a good fit for the bed's size, trust me, even my big boy would be lost in that thing!


Katie Isabella said...

Why is it the harder we try to make something to please them, or buy something to please them, the more they won't like it. xxoo Leo, you are looking awesome.

Hannah and Lucy said...

If this will perk you up Lucy sleeps in the bed you made for her every night - Hannah has yet to step in hers - well we can't hurry her after all it's only been 6 months since they arrived here!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

pilch92 said...

That came out great, I am sure they will use it soon. If you have an old shirt of yours you could put that in or sprinkle catnip. Both those things work for my kitties.

Eastside Cats said...

Chuck would be in that bed in a heartbeat! He likes 'em BIG, and although he's a mancat, the color pink looks FAB against his black furrs...

Summer said...

I think that bed looks awesome! My human usually puts catnip on new things to make them more appealing!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...yur mom dida grate job in makin thiz way awesum bed...N sure az we love trout, de veree minit one oh ewe getz In it rest will wanna bee IN it two !! ♥♥♥

Unknown said...

What a great bed! Mes thinks its pawsome! Go Celestial kitties go!

Katnip Lounge said...

You may have to up the ante with 'nip!!!

Mommy loves the argyle pattern, btw...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Somekitty will nap in it soon enough...

Peaches and Paprika said...

We'll take it if you don't want it! Check out our blog, our coloring is perfect for that bed! One time we especially like to use cat beds is if our humans plan to remove them after we ignored the beds for a while.Then we lay claim on them by lying in the previously neglected bed and looking beseeching up at our owners. We wish you success with this beautiful bed. Cute photo story too! - Carol,Peaches,Paprika

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Put some nip in it and they will LOVE it. Call us impressed, we already like it.

Happy Purrday Star!!!!!!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Well I think it looks beautiful. Looks super comfy, too. You didn't happen to stuff it with nip, did you? A nip-stuffed bed would be divine. Oh yeah, it really would, for sure.
