Monday, July 28, 2014

Skyway Saga Continues

I promised I would post more about what's going on with the Celestial Skyway so here's an update!

Guess who?

What? A big fuzzy gray foot in my house isn't hint enough?!

Oh, ALL of the Celestial Kitties are gray?? I hadn't noticed.. *gigglesnort*

Ok ok, here's a better picture.


It's Glitter! She thinks of that spot as her very own! Will she ever let any other kitty up???

zzzzz not if I can help it.. zzzzz

Why, just look where her very own sister waits for a turn!

Cashmere(bottom left): I say it's my turn already..
Glitter: Sorry, occupied. And planning on staying that way!
Cashmere: *grumble*

More updates as time permits! (Two weeks til Twin 2's wedding, yikes, pushing to get everything done!)


Hannah and Lucy said...

We thought Glitter and Cashmere would share the shelves but it seems we were wrong!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

The skyway is coming along great.

John Bellen said...

I didn't get the angle of the photograph at first, and thought the shelf had tipped and someone was trapped behind it! It's early in the morning right now, and I'm not at my most alert...

Brian's Home Blog said...

Looks like a skyway snooz-a-thon in the works!

A Tonl said...

Wait, has Glitter been taking LESSONS from FARADAY? *harumpf*

Eastside Cats said...

I love the way cats can hang over the edges of things while sleeping!

Random Felines said...

don't know - they BOTH look pretty comfy :)

Sparkle said...

That kitty shelf is pretty popular!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

my brain registered that shelf at a completely different angle from what was shown and I was sure someone was smooshed.. but then I thought better of it, knowing you'd never show a smooshed kitty..

Photo Cache said...

cashmere and glitter are perfect names for kitty divas.

emma and buster

Saku said...

Pawsome sleeping spots both of you!

The mom bean says good luck with all the preparations. We is just glad we are cats.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

meowmeowmans said...

Looks like the skyway travelers are taking a break. :)

Furries said...

I wish I had cat shelves like yours. The previous kitties in my family had them, but that was in a different house.

Katnip Lounge said...

The more we see these shelves...the LESS we think of our peeps!

Gigi said...

So, will Star be doing Twin #2's hair for the occasion?

Cashmere--Your only hope is to get up there while she's eating or using the box. And you won't know if you don't start paying attention--wake up!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Love your skyway so much that I've put a request in here fur a similar set up!!

Happy Tuesday

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Even IM not THAT skinny! ~ AYLA

Marty the Manx said...

So happy for you that the girls are so settled in and the kitty highway is being used!

Katie Isabella said...

ALL of you need to be fair, now. Take turns. xoxox

Ann Boyajian said...

Haha - when I saw the first picture, it looked like the wicked witch squashed by the house in Wizard of Oz!