Monday, February 10, 2014

The Cushy Cabinet Post

Does anyone recall when we got the blue cat tree that Leo has now almost totally destroyed? Remember that we put it next to the cabinet I inherited from my gramma because I thought the top of it would be a good place for the kitties to nap? It took a while, but Leo finally made it to the cabinet top (see these two posts: Leo's Cabinet Post part 1 and Leo's Cabinet Post part 2)

Star still hasn't gone to the second shelf on the cat tree and Leo rarely went up to the cabinet top. Though he LOVES sleeping on the shelves, diving on them and getting the whole thing out of whack, and scratching the heck out of what's left of the carpet on it. Star pretty much ignores it now, not worth her time I guess.

It still bugged me that no one wanted to nap on that cabinet top. (if you read yesterday's post, that is NOT the shelf I'm talking about!) So I decided that maybe it wasn't comfortable enough. I had previously bought some pretty pink flannel thinking to make Star a new cat bed to make up for her not getting to use her butterfly blanket as much as she would like. (Though no one is stopping her, she doesn't seem to like it when it's on the bench.) She found other comfy places to sleep so I never got around to making it.

I didn't know if it would be wide enough, and I didn't want Leo sliding off the cabinet top if it moved around! So I didn't sew up the sides, leaving it flat. I had Greg tuck it under the plastic boxes up there to keep it still. It was plenty wide, so it hangs down the back a bit. So it up, then we just waited to see if Leo would notice..

Ok, I admit it, I was thinking more about Star than Leo when I bought this material...
But if the great King Spitty can have a Pink Beddy, then Leo can have a pink sleeping mat! Right?

I wish wish wish I'd seen him noticing it! And climbing up there! But I didn't. I just saw this:


What the... Oh hi mom.. thought I heard the camera turn on..

I like the cushy bed, but I could do without the flashy flash.

I'm just going to ignore you now and get back to my nap. Maybe if I hide my face in my tail you wont have a usable picture..

Sorry Leo, that just makes you look cuter! Like a fuzzy vampire or something!

Be prepared for more pictures of Leo up there because he has decided he loves it!


A quick note on the Spread The Love FUNdraiser. When I showed off the Love Knots I said they were red with paw prints. I only got so much of that fleece, thinking it was a standard and I could get more at any time. Apparently I was wrong! As I've about run out of it, I had to substitute it with a solid red fleece and a pink tie dye fleece. So now the love knot fleece with be one of these patterns at random. I've changed it on the FUNdraiser post but I wanted to make note of it here anyway.

Of course there is still plenty of time to join in on the Spread the Love FUNdraiser! Four love inspired toys for a minimum donation of $15 to the Winnie's Wish Rescue!
Help us to spread the word about the FUNdraiser if you can, and also about the need for adoptions!
Thank you!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The "great places we should nap" set up by our Beins are not always obvious to us. So hurray! that Leo found one of them!

Fur Everywhere said...

We are glad Leo found the new bed. It looks like a comfy place to lay!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope Leo is enjoying his naps up there.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

At least the new pink bed is getting some use!

RedSetter said...

Your pair are so lucky to have you thinking up ever new ways to make their lives even more comfy. You are truly a well trained cat servant and will be rewarded in the afterlife....!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

So many places to nap - how purrfect!

Amber would love the pink bed, she has pink toys, a pink cushion, pink mice - well actually she has pink everything - I'm not sure why because she is orange!!! MOL

Have a great week

Basil xox

CatInTheFridge said...

nothing wrong with pink. It's manly, too, on the right fellow. - Crepes.

John Bellen said...

It just needed a little cushioning, and he was up there quicker than the flash on a camera.

Random Felines said...

nothing wrong with a pink bed - Leo you look VERY comfy up there.

(we gotta get the mom to balance the checkbook and then we are gonna place our order)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't blame you Leo, that is a terrific top spot!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

That's such a pretty bed! Pink agrees with you, Leo!

Sparkle said...

That bed does look irresistible!

Unknown said...

Leo! What a manly Man Cat you is! Only the Manlyest goes for the pink Beds! And that would bes a marvelous place to nap!

Katnip Lounge said...

NO cat can resist the call of a soft pink beddy!!!

Anonymous said...

They say heat rises :-)

Timmy Tomcat said...

We always get Dad wondering about what we will or will not like to lay on or in. MOL
Cat purrogative

Kitties Blue said...

Seems Leo was just waiting for you to make him that nice beddy! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo