Monday, February 3, 2014

Feelin' Worldly

Hey, it's me! Leo! I got the blog today!

I'm, like, super excited! Wanna know why?? Cause that super pretty Katie Isabella, you know her right? She gave me an award! ME! Not Princess Hissyface, not like our whole bloggy thing, just ME ME ME! All by myself! Whoo hoo! *blush*

Oh, and it's the Best Blog Around The World award! How cool is that! I'm so honored to think that Katie thinks that highly of me! ME!

Ok, there is rules. Gotta acknolage the blog of the one who gave it to me, done! Thank you again pretty Katie! And then I gottta pass it on! I can do that! I'm gonna give it to the following:

Three Cat Yard, They gots new kittens and two great older guy cats!

Katnip Lounge, Cause they got, like, awesomeness over there! And lots of pretty girlcats! Ok, guy cats too.. But ya know what I means.. heh heh

Jacqueline's Cat House, There's like, three gorgeous girlcats! And a pretty mommy cat! Well, she's off limits 'cause she's got a daddy cat.

I would so totally pass this on to Katie, but since she's the one who gived it to me, that would be awkward!

I'm still totally thrilled that I got this! Just ME!

Hey, don't forget, 'kay, that my mom has that FUNdraiser goin' on for the Winnie's Wish kitties! You all know my sisters got returned there, right? They're doin' better now and are so ready for a real forever and ever home! They'd like to go together so if you know of somewhere that would love them, please please contact either us or Miss Chrystal ok? We'll put you in contact with her. And transport to anywhere is not an issue!

Oh right, the Spread the Love FUNdraiser! Go HERE to check it out, k? Awesome toys!
Trust me, I know!


Mollie said...

What a super award and so well deserved guys :) xxoxxxx

Mollie and Alfie

Sparkle said...

Concatulations on your award, Leo! Paws up!

Cats Herd You said...

Concatulations on your award!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

How totally pawesome - many con'cat'ulations!! Mew guys are totally wunderpurr!!


The Island Cats said...

That's a cool award. Congrats!

John Bellen said...

Congratulations, Leo. I'm glad to see you're getting some recognition!

And thank you for your thoughts about Tucker. He's pooped a little but now he's off the pills and on his own. We'll see how he does.

mawiesner said...

Congrats, Leo! And tell your mom that my kitties love the fundrasier toys! You and Star were right about that super long kicker... my kitties were fighting over that one! :)

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Congratulations on getting that award from Katie, Leo! And all of it for yourself too! Woo hoo!

Ann Boyajian said...

Concatulations on your pawsome award!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats and big bravos to you!!!!!

Unknown said...

I have a problem I can't post on my blog view my comment or anything on my dashboard. Do you have any suggestions or know who can send me an e-mail telling me what to do? I am so tired of this first it was the internet now this!!!
Thanks for any help you can offer!

Marty the Manx said...

Concats Leo! Sending out Purr Prayers that those kitties get adopted too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Concatulashuns on yer purrsonal awardie, LEO! Well deserved.

Unknown said...

Leo! Yous ROCKS!!!

Katie Isabella said...

Nellie's right. You rocks!

Kitties Blue said...

Concats on that award. We recently got it as well. We think it is a super duper one. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette