Friday, August 9, 2013

Door Ambush!

Leo got some open door time. He always makes sure he knows where Star is before he gets comfy there. But when something catches his eye, he forgets all about ol' Princess Hissyface..

See her creeping from the shadows?

Whatever it is, it has his complete attention. Star gets closer..

Closer still... Oh wait, she's not after him, she wants to see what has his attention!

 Oh, of course. It's the bold, ebil squirrel! Can you see him? (darn sun, washing everything out..)
Star: One day I shall snack on you, squirrel, just you wait..
Leo: So yummy looking... Someone start up the bar-b-que..

Speaking of yummy! Did you know that the Winnie's Wish Summer FUNdraiser toys are stuffed with seriously good nip? Don't your kitties deserve some new toys? Don't you want to help the rescued kitties?

If your answer is yes to any of those questions, please head over to the Summer FUNdraiser post get your own set of great toys while supporting the Winnie's Wish rescue!

Just look at the toys you will get!

Remember to help find homes for the kitties too! The adoptable kitties are on the sidebar of the Daily Dose blog!


Crafting Queen said...

One day he will your yours! :)

Cats Herd You said...

Those squirrels.... so close, yet so far! The day that squirrel comes in the house, though, he's done for.

Anonymous said...

Staring contest :-)

The Paw Relations said...

There's nothing like a squirrel to bring cats together.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I´m sure that you someday will catch that bil Squiirel !!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope your patience in watching that squirrel is rewarded Leo.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Island Cats said...

That evil squirrel is taunting you! Too bad that door is in your way. :)

Fur Everywhere said...

Momsy found out she has enough money in PayPal to donate now instead of next week! So hers will do that later.

Hers has a special request about the toys due to my (Carmine's) cataracts and seeing difficulties. We hope that you can help us out with toys that pop against dark-colored carpet so I can find them.

We will e-mail you after we donate green papers later!


Fuzzy Tales said...

We're being tormented by an evil squirrel these days too. :-)

We hope you get him one day!

Safe Haven Hotel said...

Princess Hissyface! - hilarious.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OHHHHH I see that squirrel!! Love it!

I started giving Cody tiny bit of coconut oil. I noticed a SIGHT allergy flare-up starting. So far the oil seems to be keeping it from getting worse. I gave him a little to eat and he likes it. I also applied a little topically on his head, is that ok?

Ann Boyajian said...

Those evil squirrels make us all quivery and chatty - we want to smack 'em upside the head and chew off their sassy tails!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

If only you could invite them in for a little *party*. Heehee.

Dma said...

i hear squirrel tastes just like chicken.

Sparkle said...

I want to know what happened with those two after the squirrel left!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

care full guyz that itz knot a vizshuz squirrel...hope de fund raiser iz goin grate and hope everee one haza grate flounder filled week oh end !!

Random Felines said...

we got one of sits on our balcony and calls Junior mean names :)

Cathy Keisha said...

Sigh. We don't get squirrels on the 4th floor. Catch em for me, guys. BTW, you just might find something you like on my bloggy.

Anonymous said...

Shame on that squirrel for teasing you all like that. Hugs and nose kisses

CATachresis said...

The common enemy!! mol

Swami Zoe said...

Keep your eyes in that squirrel! They are trouble! Me-Ommmmmm

GreatGranny said...

Just awful to be taunted by an ebil squirrel. I only have ebil wabbits and birdies on my TV.
xoxo Kassey

GreatGranny said...

Just awful to be taunted by an ebil squirrel. I only have ebil wabbits and birdies on my TV.
xoxo Kassey

GreatGranny said...

Just awful to be taunted by an ebil squirrel. I only have ebil wabbits and birdies on my TV.
xoxo Kassey

Life with Ragdolls said...

OMG! I have a Cat named STAR!!!!!!!:-)


Ebil squirrels are horrid!

Katie Isabella said...

My goodness, I am he to tell you that crunchy winged butterfly is just THE toy! I have rolled on the floor holding it to my face! Xxoo

Furries said...

That's a darn big squirrel in your yard.

Photo Cache said...

no squirrels in our backyard, lucky you. all we gots are yummy looking blue jays.

wanna trade?

emma and buster

Brian's Home Blog said...

Of course we enjoy watching squirrels, but we really enjoy seeing Leo and Star that close!

meowmeowmans said...

That squirrel sure is lucky that glass is there!

We are totally going to get some of those awesome toys.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad it wasn't a inside kitty ambush!!!

Gigi said...

Hello Star my darling, and thank you SOOOOOO much for the fantastic invitation. I will be there around noon tomorrow and I am sure I will be needing some of that paw-served chick-hen. I will bring some treats with me too, and maybe after our baffs and nappies we could play with some of those toys before your Mommy sends them all away? XOXOXOXO
P.S. Say fanks to your Mom from the Human -- SomeKitty gotted her toys today XOXOXO

Ingrid said...

How interesting, a squirrel ! Pookie used to play with one behind the window, lol !

Holden said...

Cute kitties... yes, if you can catch Mr. Squirrel, you'll have barbecue.

Katie Isabella said...

Come see your awardie, Star and Leo!

Marg said...

Those look like such good toys. We know that we liked them. Good squirrel Tv. Have a good evening.

Kitties Blue said...

One of our meowmates ate a squirrel once. Mommy thinks it was MacKenzie. He's at the R.B. now. One morning she found four feet and a tail belonging to a squirrel on our back deck. That was it. No other body parts. That squirrel at your house is probably safe since you are stuck watching him from the other side of the window. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo

Kitties Blue said...

One of our meowmates ate a squirrel once. Mommy thinks it was MacKenzie. He's at the R.B. now. One morning she found four feet and a tail belonging to a squirrel on our back deck. That was it. No other body parts. That squirrel at your house is probably safe since you are stuck watching him from the other side of the window. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo