Thursday, August 1, 2013

Curly Girly

Aside from having curly tummy fur, Star likes to sleep curled up. She's a real curly girl!

Here she's doing her curled up shrimp imitation, and you can see a little of her curly legs and tummy!

You know, if you're going to say I'm like a shrimp, you could at least give me a shrimp! Just sayin'..
I got a question the other day about the spot on the back of Star's neck. There are three actually. You can see one of them in this picture too. They are a reminder of her previous life.

When Star was in her previous home, when she was a young lady of two years, a male cat broke into her house through a screen window. The humans weren't home so he was in there all day. And Star and her sister were in heat. Many kittens resulted and so did those scars.

They don't bother her at all. But the funny thing about them, when she gets her spring and fall allergies, those scars get rash on them too. I didn't think scar tissue could get rash!

Star has one other injury from her previous home, but it's not obvious to the eye. The last few bones in her tail are fused. I think it must have gotten slammed in a door. Now that did bother her for a while when she was new here but we couldn't locate the problem. We kept thinking it was her leg that would cause her to spin and have fits like she was in pain. Now that the bones are completely fused, though, they don't bother her in the least.

I think she's much happier here with us, even if she must share her home with Leo.


Speaking of kitties who need new homes.. The Winnie's Wish Cathouse over at Daily Dose is overfull! There is a serious need for wonderful homes. If you or someone you know could take one or two of these darlings in, please contact Chrystal and let her know! And please pass the word on, share it on facebook, tweet it, email your friends and family, talk about them to your coworkers and neighbors! Please help in any way you can!


Cats Herd You said...

Star's curly fur is always fascinating, since we all have straight fur! We're so glad that Star is happy in your home and safe, even if she does have to share it with the barbarian.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Star is blessed to have found you, the poor girl. At least now she has a wonderful life with YOU!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so pleased that Star has a loving and safe home with you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

John Bellen said...

I'm sure Star is happy where she is right now. There's Leo to contend with, but Star knows how to deal with him - poor Leo. A pesky roommate isn't much of a disadvantage when you are loved and fed and dry and safe.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

my stars, star, you definitely deserve some shrimp for your very best shrimp impression....I'm thinking at the least 78,526 cases...

hugs girl from dai$y =^..*=

Sparkle said...

My human has some bad words for the humans who Star was living with before you! It sounds like a very careless home if they did not spay their kitties and she got hurt too. I'm glad she is with awesome humans now!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those curly furs are so nice!!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Star certainly has it cushy, despite the Many-Toed Meniss! Rupert has several bald spots on his back by his tail from huge abscesses--he obviously was chomped on while running away.

CATachresis said...

A happy ending for Star! hate to think of some of our kitties previous lives!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad Star's bites and tail dont bother her. A Cat-Who-Came-Before was bitten on her back by a woofie and TBT says she was fover sensitive about bein touched there.

Gigi said...

We luffs a girl with some curl. Star, my sweet darling, I will put kissies all over your little spots and on the tip of your adorable tailio too!
Sorry we missed you last night--the Human had the NERVE till stay out waaaaay past her curfew and then she refused--refused!! can you even imagine??--to help me visit. Sigh. Such poor service.

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Yow star ya are such a cute curly gurl!! Ya have da legz like me!!
Me n Mum bemeber readin bout yer bad past n da rogue mankat dat broke into yer house!!! Phank KATGOD ya never have to wurry bout diz happenin again....Leo iz a purrfect gentlekat n me nose he will purrtect ya!!
Yer furend Nylablue xo

Kitties Blue said...

Star's previous home sounds just awful. She'd probably take 100 Leos over having to return to that life. We're so glad she found you. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo