Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Advanced Sleeping Positions

Leo has a few advanced sleeping positions he'd like to share. We do apologize for the quality of the photos. Greg took them on his cell phone which does not have a flash and we didn't want to turn on too many lights and thus disrupt the special sleeper.

The Tail Hug
Note the tail held firmly in both front paws, the nose tucked carefully under the arm, the curled position, and yes, even the almost inside out ear. This could indicate a slight chill or perhaps trying to tightly contain a good dream.

The Tail Hug 2
Note the subtle changes from The Tail Hug 1. The nose is no longer buried, the ear is inside right, the hug not as tight. This indicates warming up and relaxing into a deeper sleep.

The Reach Out
This can be done with the body in nearly any position, the important part is the long reach of at least one arm/paw. It doesn't matter if there is anything to reach for, it's the stretch that's the thing.

The Rumpled Belly Up 
Any kind of twist in the body only enhances this move. The rumpled tummy furs add a big cute factor. If the picture was not cut off, you would note the addition of The Reach Out to this pose. Curly toes are almost a must, of course they do tend to relax as sleep deepens.

The Chin Over 
Yes, he's awake here for the moment, don't worry, it won't last. The idea in this pose is to hang the chin over the edge, the rest of the body is flat out above. It gives the illusion of looking down on everything and keeping an eye on everything, but in drifting off to sleep, it allows for some really nice snoring if the neck gets too heavy on the edge.
This is not a pose Leo uses much as he prefers to be upside down for the most part, but it's still cute.
Leo would thank you for joining him for this training session, but he's sleeping to soundly at the moment, so I will extend his thanks for him. Nap well everyone! And do it with style whenever possible!


Hannah and Lucy said...

Mum is quite excited about the rumple tummy furs and her fingers are itching to rumple them some more!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Sparkle said...

Wow, Leo must have a sleeping PhD!

Crafting Queen said...

Great sleeping position. :)

Sushi said...

I'll try the tail hug. =)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are obviously quite the expert at this, Leo. We are impressed!

The Chans

Cats Herd You said...

Impressive, Leo. We're going to try all of those positions, starting right after breakfast.

Luna und Luzie said...

Cute sleeping postitions.
So sweet to hug your tail, Leo

The Paw Relations said...

Those are all pawsome sleeping positions. The only one we haven't mastered yet is the tail hug.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Now I do want to go back to napping. I think I'll try Leo's techniques ;-)
Have a great day!

Katie Isabella said...

Leo I learned too and my mommy says the chin over is so adorable she just squeees every time I does it.

The Island Cats said...

Leo is quite the pro sleeper!

Anonymous said...

How a moggie should be ... CHILLED :-)

Anonymous said...

How a moggie should be ... CHILLED :-)

Kitties Blue said...

We think in picture number three with his paw out that Leo is dreaming of whapping Star when he gets up. The Chin Over (We call it Head on the Ledge.) look is adorable, but then all the photos are. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

Dma said...

i'll pass this lesson on to the boyz so they can practice their sleep positions.

LP said...

Leo, it is clear you feel very safe and cherished in your home to be able to assume all those wonderful sleeping positions. Sleep tight!

the critters in the cottage xo

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

Callie likes to do the tail hug,covered nose thing, while Sassy does the reach out.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is some real professional sleeping!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those look innerestin. Iza an I are very traditional curled-up sleepers, but Marley likes odd ones like the "prawn". I do seem ta recall that Skeeter was a tail-grabber. Mebbe its a man cat thing. ~ Ayla

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Oh Pawsome! We love da description of all da sleepy poses. And wif such a wonnerful model it makes it efun better!

Unknown said...

Now, this guy has some serious sleep moves! Way to go Leo!!

Clooney said...

Oh my goodness, there is a whole lot of fabulous floof going on there for sure! (Thank you so much for your purrs for Neytiri, they mean alot to us.)

Sherri-Ellen T-D. said...

Yow Leo me can do all dem posez sleepin!!! Altho me can not hug me tail az guud az you cause me haz a skinny Siamese tail!!!
Nylablue xo