Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who Can Understand A Cat?

I've discovered something about Star. She'll sit on me anytime, even if I'm busy. Sometimes especially if I'm busy.. but her daddy, the love of her live, the only human she has eyes for... She will only sit on his lap when he's got a blanket.

Am I crazy or is that just weird? She always always always sits on the arm of his chair, or rubs on his legs or walks across his lap, but never lays on him. She might stand with her feet on his leg, but she doesnt lay down.

Usually she's like this:
Pet me, daddy, I deserve it.

 So what's up with this??
Both hands, I demand mega-pets.. I mean, you know you want to mega-pet me!

She even turned around for a better angle on the pets..
That's the spot.. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I guess I don't have to understand it. She's a cat, that's how they are. Mysterious.

Leo, on the other hand, is a little easier to understand..

I have all the toys! Even Star's q-tip! ha!

They're mine.. all mine....

Ah, fedder pillow... stay close stringy... zzzzzzzzzz


Fuzzy Tales said...

Leo's a male. No more need be said. :-P


Katie Isabella said...

I loved this..just loved it and Leo...you really are a typical man. xoxoxox

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) said...

I loved the picture of Leo "guarding" the toys. Classic kitty!

Nerissa's Life said...

We cats like to keep the peeps guessing. It's in our natures.

Katnip Lounge said...

CC will only sit by me if he can't see my legs, they have to be covered! Of course, he fell on his head when he was small so there's no telling what goes on in HIS noggin. As for Star and Leo, well, they are Cats...'nuff said.

meowmeowmans said...

So true! Cats are so mysterious. But that's part of why they are so wonderful, right? :)

Katie Isabella said...

Fanks you for telling mom and I about the IBKC. We went and guess what? Mom was going to help me blog about it tomorrow but she already bought me a soft throw t]rug of my very own over where I have been naughty! Great minds!!!

Lily said...

Even though I am my daddy's little girl and he is my favorite, I like my mommy's lap better. My mommy thinks it's got to be because I don't like the way he sits.

Marg said...

Well done Leo getting all the toys while Star is getting all the attention.Good job. You really do have a pile of toys there. Have a great day.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mum thinks she knows us inside out, but then we do something to totally surprise her. We don't want her getting to complacent.

Photo Cache said...

this is catmama speaking....

emma is the same way, she only comes to me if i have a blanket on top of my lap. now if we're on the bed and i'm on top of the bed, she would scratch the throw we place on top of our beddings to lessen the hair proliferation. by scratching she is communicating that she wants to rest on our laps.

buster....he doesn't sit on our laps at all. never. he would sit next to us, in between us, but never on top of us.

emma and buster

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Must admit I won't get on my mom's lap until she lays my blankie down on her. I meow up a storm until she does. MOL!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I take over TBTs lap, an dont care about a blankie. But on the bed at night, we all will sleep both on an unner the blankie!


Oui Oui said...

If we are standing up, we can't bend over and pet Mica Moo. We have to be sitting or lying down. Cats are just strange that way. The mom thinks female cats are more apt to have "quirks" than males, but it might just be coincidence.

Lily said...

I gave you guys an award! I hope you'll come check it out.