Saturday, February 18, 2012

Share for Safety

Today, for some mysterious reason, my niece, the one that lives with us, decided to babysit three little kids from three of her friends. And she decided that the best place to do this was at our house!

Don't get me wrong, I love kids! I previously met two of these kids. A sweet little boy who used to come over a lot and whom I would cheerfully steal from his parents if I thought I could get away with it. An adorable little girl I'd met once before. And a six month old baby girl I'd not met, but heard about often. The boy and girl are both under 4, closer to three I believe but wouldn't swear to.

My house is not baby proof. The twins are the youngest kids I've had around and they're 21! The only toys I have are cat toys. What I'm saying is, there's not a lot to do for active little ones. Netflix movies only entertain for so long.

What they really want, and boy do they want it! Is to play with my kitties! Are you laughing hysterically yet? Star? Play with a child? Star, not shred a little person for getting too close? Ha! Leo, not run and hide and freak out? Ha Ha!

Sorry kids, I won't force my kitties to sit still and let you pet them. You can call me mean if you want, but I don't intend to subject my kitties to, albeit unintentional, torture just because you wanna see the kitty. Learned that lesson ages and ages ago! (Ok, I was 12 or so and excited to show off my kittens and thought my 1 to 3 (cant remember exactly) year old cousin would like to see them. Ever try to pry tiny fingers from around a 3 week old kittens neck? Never, ever again!)

Suffice it to say, we did not see much of the kitties today. Leo did venture down when it was quiet. Lulled into a false sense of security bought by Gnomeo and Juliette induced silence. He quickly realized his mistake and after two circuits of the house successfully evaded them long enough to get upstairs without being seen aided by misdirection from the adults. "I think the kitty went that way! No? Sorry.." Ha

When Greg got home and went upstairs, all we had left was the blissfully, thankfully, sleeping baby, but the cats were not taking any chances. He managed to snap a few pictures of what he found. Now, he has a much better camera on his phone, but wow, these are some bad blurry pictures! I'm still gonna share them....

I believe I told you that lately Star doesn't really care to step paw into our room, though she has surprised us a few times. Well, Greg found her in our room sleeping against the TV Watchin' Wedge Pillow.
Thank Cod you're home, daddy. You won't believe what's going on down there!

 Leo was still king of the bed. Carefully away from all edges because she tries to reach up and smack him. But they were sharing the room!
Leo: Is she looking at me? I feel like she's looking at me. But better her than those miniature humans!
Star: Seriously!

Greg went to clean up, and when he came back to the room, he saw this! They're sharing the bed! No hissing, no fighting! They shared the bed for safety!
Star: He can watch me all he wants, I'm not leaving until those people do.
Leo: I think this is close enough.. don't you?

What's more!! When we went up to bed, Star came back in and was running around her daddy's ankles looking for his attention and to tell him all about her horrible day. But the jig was up, he'd seen her on the bed of her own accord, so she wasn't going to get away with acting like the bed was stolen from her by the barbarian. He picked her up and put her on the bed!

And she stayed! Not only stayed, got lots of pets, but wandered back and forth between him and ME! She headbutted me, demanding pets every time she wandered over! And through it all, Leo stayed, calmly, at the foot of the bed!

I'm trying not to read too much into it. I know they aren't best friends. Yet. But I'm loving what's going on while it lasts!


Sparkle said...

Whoa! We do not even know what it would be like to be around human kittens that young. My house is so quirky and un-child-friendly that my human warns her friends to NOT bring children over! The youngest I've seen was about seven, and I wanted nothing to do with her, even though she did seem to have a big kitty jones going on (her mom said she couldn't have a kitty and she apparently wanted one really, really bad). I bet she turns into a cat lady when she grows up.

Stitchabilities said...

Well looks like some good came out of the traumatic experience

Ingrid said...

Toddlers are a nightmare for kitties ! Whoever comes in my house, even if it's little 15 months old grandson, kitties are no toys and they come always first. Anyway except Arthur they all disappear, he doesn't mind to be petted even roughly ! but I pay attention !

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Star gets too hissy in future you can have the kidlings over for a visit...

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness we don't have any mini-humans come into our home - we like our toys for us.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hmmmmmmm, I think I might still be under the bed!

Marg said...

Oh yes, we would have vacated too for sure.We don't do strangers,especially noisy little beings. Although we did have one girl child come over and she picked up Orange boyz much to everyone's shock, and carried him around and mind you, he was a feral kitten. But he was a kitten I guess is the main point.
Take care and have a great week end.

Unknown said...

Oh! Small peoples! They scares me! Me hides from them! Me thinks yous has to grows up with small peoples to know what to do with them.

Katnip Lounge said...

ACK! Sticky Little People are awful! Even Mommy thinks they need to be locked in a closet or something, ha ha ha!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We have never seen a little sticky Bein up close, but from what we read, we dont want to. They sound dangerous!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I know how you feel. My house has never been and never will be kid friendly.

Robyn said...

Hmm, it sounds like an excuse on Star's part to me. "I don't LIKE my brother, but after that experience, I guess I can be near him. At least he's not a human child!" Uh huh, suuuuure, Star, you don't like him.

I bet they snuggle when no one else is home. :)

Gigi said...

Nothing like a common enemy. Just sayin'!!!

Katie Isabella said...

I do NOT like little peoples with me. My sisfurs who came before me didn't either. There are even some grown ups that my sisfurs didn't like. People are not very good to supervise their kids and petting doesn't mean knocking the poor cat half across the room. Parents..just say NO.


Nothing against kids, but I'm so glad to hear that the kitties left the room and were not kid toys.


Oui Oui said...

Not withstanding the little beans, the kitties seem to be getting back to normal.

GLOGIRLY said...

I once had a harrowing experience with a toddler. Once.
; ) Katie

Cathy Keisha said...

I used to have a human girl friend who'd come in to play with me but she moved. She lived with 2 dogs and knew how to play with me. I love that Leo.

BTW, I accepted the award.

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

We're not too used to being around young/kitten humans. Except those of us who go to cat shows get petted by them often.

Clooney said...

Whoa, we would have run for the hills too!