Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday's Trio

It probably seems to you all as if this happens regularly at our house. But that's just because I post it whenever it happens! All three napping right close together!
Glitter: Well, we WERE napping..
Leo: Did I hear the camera thingie again?
Cashmere: Worse, it's the phone thingie that clickclickclicks a million times to produce one decent picture..
Glitter: Back to napping everyone.
Leo: no more clickity clickity?
Cashmere: Not until one of use turns over and acts even cuter anyway.

Can it get cuter?? Glitter has her paws crossed. Leo's using a pillow. And Cashmere is almost, but not quite, laying against Leo! Let the Awwww's begin!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Meow Like a Pirate Day!

It's Meow like a Pirate day again! And I had so planned on making new pictures.. But time has once again gotten away from me, grrrr. So I'm dragging out my favorite old ones, starting with our Jolly Cat-gerrr!

 Fly your pirate flags free today, me harties! Yo ho ho and a crate of catnip!

 Cap'n Leo is goin' ashore to bury his booty on his secret treasure island! Don't try to get the location out of him, for the last pirate who tried is buried next to his last haul! Muhahahaha!

 Sirens Glitter and Cashmere lurk nearby, waiting to lure pirates to their watery graves! Don't be drawn in to their beauty or you'll pay the price!

Lift a mug of catnip rum and sing a few sea shanties with us as we celebrate another fun filled Meow like a Pirate day!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Mancat Monday

Leo: I like it when mom tilts her bed up. It gives me a new place to sleep. Bonus, the girls haven't found this spot yet! Still, I don't know why daddy calls me Snoopy when I'm up here..
By the way, I'm not hanging on for dear life; I've got a leg dangling over each side!

Apparently selfie mode on the phone is grainy? Boy do we need to figure out the broken camera soon, this is getting bad!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunday Selfie With Glitter

Glitter has decided to like Twin 2 and gave her a kiss for their selfie.

Glitter: You're ok for scritches and stuff, but you could bring out some treats ya know. Just sayin'..

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Leo: We has lots to be thankful for here this week! First off, mommy's arm is getting better! She can type a little without pain, yay! We is thankful for mommy and daddy who celebrated their anniversary yesterday by staying home and cuddling us kitties! We is thankful for our ratty cat tree so's we can look out the windows, and fer the paw rest!

Leo: We is so thankful when we can thwart mommy by refusing to look at her when she wants to take our pictures! And we is so so so so thankful that her camera broke! Whoo hoo!

Only the cats are happy for the broken camera.. At least I have my phone one, even if it doesn't take the best pictures. And I did have some new pictures on the camera's card waiting to use so we're not out of luck yet! We'll take that as a thankful too!
Hope you all are having a wonderful, thankful week too!

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Monday, September 10, 2018

Mutinous Monday

Cashmere: "Your pillows"? Hrmph "furring up YOUR yarn"? Pfft "Your Chair"? Aw, I'm heart broken for you.. I'll sit here if I wanna, and I'll fur up anything I wanna and there's nothing, not one single thing, you can do about it. So there!

Oh really, Cashmere? Save your mutiny for Pirates day, little girl! Oh hey, what's this? A treat bag?

Cashmere: Curses! Evil woman!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Formerly Feral Friday

Leo used to be feral, now he's spoiled.

Leo: Ennui, I has it. It's been 15 minutes since my last snuggle. I fear she will never sit down and I will never get to jump on her with the force of a thousand jackhammers and stomp stomp stomp to the music only I can hear before settling down with my fur up her nose. Life is rough.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Almost Wordless Wednesday With Cashmere


We've been absent again, but with a good, no, not "good", with a yucky reason! Kidney stones. I was in the hospital with them over the weekend, not fun! I'm better in that respect, however typing on the laptop is problematic because of the placement of a badly failed IV spot. It's a painful lump that hits exactly on the corner of the laptop as I type! Holy smokes, it is not fun! So I will try to post more, but the words will be limited. Though this is way too much for a 'wordless' Wednesday post!
I want to thank Chrystal for putting the word out that I was in the hospital and thank all of you for kind words and thoughts and prayers! Love you all!
