Saturday, April 28, 2018

Caturday Art

I decided to use a baby Leo picture for today's Caturday Art! I just love his baby pictures, and credit for them goes to Chrystal of Daily Dose and I truly thank her, not only for giving me my special boy, but for letting me use her pictures of his time at the Winnie's Wish Rescue!
I used lunapic for all of my pictures today. I usually use a mix of that and gimp, but it's late in the day already, so I simplified. :)

The first one is called Dreaming

This is Flame

Beauty, I know it's fairly pink but it's so pretty that I have to use it!

This is Cartoon. Now, I prefer the cartoonify on gimp rather than this one, but it works.
This one cracks me the heck up! It's called Kaleidoscope. it's all fuzz and feets! And with all his extra toes, it's Fuzz and FEETS! hee hee!

This is Scribble

And finally, the original picture. If I'd gotten my hands on him when he was this small, he'd have been kissed to death! :D


Wednesday, April 18, 2018