Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wordless Wednesday With Glitter


Don't forget about our two big Holiday promotions! Winnie's Wish is overfull and really needs the help!

First, the Holiday Package party! If we could all send something from their Amazon Wish List, we could help them get through the holidays without having to make a big shopping trip (they are far from stores). Litter and food are the big needs but there are other items too!

Next up, we have the Holiday Insta-Auction! Lots of great Christmas items as well as things that would make great gifts! (Gifts to yourself count!) Just added a few new items too! Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish!


Monday, November 27, 2017

Winnie's Wish Holiday Insta-Auction!

I wasn't going to do it, but I have so many cute Christmas items, and so many wonderful things that would make great gifts, even for one's own self! that I decided I better do it!

That's why today I'm pleased to announce the start of

Every bid helps the kitties of Winnie's Wish; pays for medical bills, including spays and neuters, medicines, pays for cleaning supplies (think your kitty is a bit messy? multiply that by about 27 I believe), pays for litter, pays for food, including special foods for kitties with problems, pays for cathouse heat, pays for all those little things you never think about until a kitty needs it!

This Quick Auction will run just like our other Insta Auctions except that instead of having 7 days to bid on an item after it receives it's first bid, you only have 3 days! So if you have a favorite item, be sure to get your bids in quick!

All proceeds (except for shipping where required) will go to Winnie's Wish Rescue and Shelter!
They are FULL up so you know they are in need of funds!
If you don't find something you like, perhaps consider just making a donation or using the Wish List to send some much needed item!
Also, please look at the adoptable cats AND KITTENS on the sidebar there and, if you can't add to your own home, please share share share because they are desperate for Great Homes for these wonderful kitties!
Thank you!!
Please share the auction if you will! Feel free to use the badge above or this sidebar sized one below with the link
You may be asking "What about the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party?" Well, That's still running too!
It's still my hope that we can, all together, send a whole bunch of litter and food (or other supplies on their amazon wish list) to get the kitties through the holiday season!
Can you do both? YES!
Can you do just one or the other? YES!
Every bit, in either or both fundraisers, helps more than you can ever know!
Any bit you can do to help is appreciated more than you can ever know!
Please note:
The Holiday Insta-Auction runs from today through December 10th at midnight EST!
The Holiday Package Party will continue through New Years! (Maybe til the end of the 12 days of Christmas which ends with Epiphany on January 6th!)
Thank you everyone! We loves you all!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

ThrowBack Thanksgiving!

I made this back when Star was still with us and we had not gotten the girls yet, so it's a real
Throw Back Thursday picture!
We are so thankful that we had as much time with Star as we did, and that we have Leo, Glitter and Cashmere with us now.
And we are especially thankful for all of our friends here! Thank you for putting up with our sparse blogging and commenting while I recover from my surgery and go through rehab. I'm doing really well and the surgeon doesn't need to see me again until I'm ready for the second operation sometime in the new year, so whoo hoo!
We wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving in the US, and a wonderful day to everyone else!
Winnie's Wish and Chrystal would be extremely Thankful if you decided to join in on the Holiday Package Party!
Litter and cat food are the biggest expenses at Winnie's Wish. If we could all send at least a little, we could get them through the holiday season without having to make a big trip to a store. If you follow the Daily Dose blog, you know they live at least half an hour from anything, and a good hour from larger stores with probably better prices. That's why this kind of Package Party means so much to her!
If you don't use amazon or chewy or other sites, you can certainly make a donation on the Winnie's Wish site! Or, if you want to send a package anyway, use the paypal button here and I will order your package and send it in your name! So many ways to help!!
Thank you to everyone who's already joined in and to those of you who are thinking about it!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Mancat Monday

Leo: I gets my scritches where I wants ta get my scritches. Making Mommy jealous is just a bonus! Makes her appreciate me more, right? heh heh

Yes, that's my boy, the traitor, getting some lovin' from daddy instead of from me, the one who adores him. sigh..
He doesn't stay there though, he doesn't sleep on daddy, only on me, so there's that! I really do think he does it to make me jealous. Works too! Little brat boy!
I'll have him in the end though, because he does love me best!! ;)


I hope you are all considering joining in on the Holiday Package Party for Winnie's Wish! Send a package of love and care to the Wishers and Chrystal!

Read about it by clicking the above picture if you don't already know what we're talking about!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Looking Up

If you sit in a recliner at my house, and you lean back, and just happen to look up. Chances are good that you'll see something like this:

Glitter: Oh, hello. Don't worry, you don't have dandruff. I checked for you. You're welcome.

Glitter: See that step perch over your head. The minute you forget I'm here and look away, I'm going to jump down onto it just as loudly as I can. I want to see you jump. And then after that, I'm landing right on that chair. So.. I'd watch my face if I were you. hee hee
Bet you think that if you see it coming, that it won't startle you. You'd be wrong. Trust me..
I sure hope you saw the announcement for the big Holiday Package Party to help out Winnie's Wish! If you didn't, click the picture!
And please, share if you can!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thankful Thursday, Nip Edition

Leo is ALWAYS thankful for catnip! He's our resident nip-head! I know this video is dark, I did try to lighten it, but it still shows my silly boy on the nip, so it's adorable!

I always try to put it on newspaper or ad pages in an attempt to keep it off the floor.. I think you can guess how well that goes!

Glitter usually gets some, but then wanders off. So Leo was left here with two papers full. Cashmere can take it or leave it, so this day she didn't come for any.


Read about the newest, wonderful, drive to help Winnie's Wish, the Holiday Package Party! I hope you'll join in!


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wordless Wednesday With Cashmere

(Is it still wordless if I ask that you notice her little back footsies pointed up in the air?)


If you missed it, please have a quick read about giving a good holiday season to the Winnie's Wish Cat Rescue and Sanctuary!



Monday, November 6, 2017

Big Holiday Idea!

You  all know Chrystal and Winnie's Wish, chronicled on the Daily Dose blog. It's the wonderful rescue that I got my Leo and his sisters Glitter and Cashmere from. It's also the rescue that I am always fundraising for; I am honored that Chrystal calls me her Official Fundraiser! I'm also a frequent donor, just to let you know I don't ask for more than I'm willing to do myself. Onto the Big Holiday Idea!

I have this idea, a little project I'd like to get rolling. I know it's early for Christmas, but it's not that early for Christmas shopping! Thanksgiving is coming, Black Friday is coming, Cyber Monday is coming, Giving Tuesday is coming, Chanukah is coming, Christmas is Coming Boxing Day is coming, New Year's Day is coming! So I would like to ask you to start thinking about Winnie's Wish.

As you know, she's had some recent unfortunate returns of some very sweet kitties who did not deserve to lose their homes. She has had to give up three of her dog runs (from her kennel business which she uses to help fund Winnie's Wish) to cats who cannot, will not live with other cats.

Donations are down, costs are up. More kitties means more money. If you read her blog, Daily Dose of dogs, AKA Cats with Your Coffee, then you also know that Tibby Bean, a senior Wisher who was never chosen was recently diagnosed with acute kidney failure. The prognosis is not good, but if you know Chrystal, as long as the kitty seems happy, she will try everything in her power to give them a good long life. This means vet bills on top of normal, everyday, vet bills.

The biggest budget buster though, is always food and litter. Winnie's Wish has a wish list on Amazon. If we could all pick out something, food, litter, another item, and send it, we could give her a HUGE WONDERFUL HOLIDAY! Imagine it with me; boxes and packages arriving every day through New Years! I'm not asking everyone to send a ton of stuff, just what you can.

If we start now, and keep it going, we can supply the kitties all through the holidays, and maybe, fingers crossed, beyond!

Are ya with me??!! Can we do this??!!

Thanks for listening! And thank you for considering joining in on the Winnie's Wish Holiday Package Party!!
Here's the link to the Amazon Wish List:
Please feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions! anniclan AT aol DOT com
PS. Paypal donations would be just as awesome! There is a button on her blog that goes directly to her, or use the one on my blog and I can convert it into litter and food and send it in your name!
PPS. You don't have to use Amazon, I've sent packages to her from Chewy! You just need the address which you can email me for or get from the amazon wish list.
PPPS. feel free to share the large Holiday Package Party banner, or this sidebar sized one and link to this post! Thank you!!