Saturday, June 8, 2019

Caturday Art

This week I decided to use Leo's mancat Monday picture, even though it's a weirdly lit, dark, funky picture. A lot of the artsie things didn't work on it in lunapic but I found a few that look ok.

The first one here is Scribble, I think it came out the best.


Picasso, didn't realize how similar it was to Fairy until I put both next to each other in this post..

HAD to do Groovy Rainbow again since I loved it last week! Weird but cool

And the original

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Belated Gotcha Day for the Girls

Things have been very busy around here and I'm sure you can understand. What with just getting home from 7 weeks in the hospital and rehab, then all kinds of doctors appointments and getting set up with some home care, temporary nursing (wounds, ouchie), and physical and occupational therapy (still fussing with getting that together), and in all that mess, I totally missed the girls Gotcha Day.
On May 26 the girls had their 5th gotcha day! Five years! I can't believe it's been that long! Love every day with them! And I'm most grateful to Chrystal for letting me adopt them and bring them home here to live with their brother!

I haven't had time to make a post, all the aforementioned stuff.. so I'm going to copy and post last year's gotcha day post here! Just remember, when it says four years, it's been five now! And the bottom plea stands as much today as it did then!


Double Gotcha Day!
Four years ago we took the eight hour trip back to Illinois to get two of Leo's sisters! It was worth the trip to get Leo, and it was doubly worth it to get Glitter and Cashmere!

First I gotta show baby pictures! Cashmere is on the far left, Glitter in the center and that's Leo on the far right (Spritz is between Cashmere and Glitter, Tuxie/Trixie is between Glitter and Leo, they are watching the 6th sibling, Mitts, play on the floor)

Here's Leo in the back corner (over Spritz) Glitter in front and Cashmere behind Glitters ear! My goodness were they scardy kittens!

We had Leo for three years when we went back for Glitter and Cashmere. They'd been adopted out and returned in bad shape. I decided they were not going to go through that again or be separated since they were so bonded, that we got down there as soon as Greg could get the time off! I have never regretted that for an instant! They are the sweetest, most loving little darlings ever!

Leo had ridden home so well, mostly on my shoulder, that I thought the girls would too. That was NOT the case. Glitter was car sick most of the way and Cashmere was scared and confused and her sister was freaking her out. I sat next to the cage so I could pet them through the bars. Worked with Cashmere anyway, Glitter stayed too far away and just didn't want to be bothered. I'm so glad I had those moments petting Cashmere when she couldn't get away because she hid a lot when she first got here. She liked the pets, and I think she felt safe that I couldn't pick her up since she was behind bars, so to speak.

Thankfully it didn't take that long for them to settle in. They hardly needed or wanted the safe room/home base more than a few days and were not bothered by either Star's hissing of Leo's curiosity. This picture is from early June and they were already out for snack time and a post snack play session!
I'm so thankful for the girls. I thought I was giving them a good home and saving them, but they are what makes a good home (along with Leo!) and they save me every day! I adore them and I'm so grateful to Chrystal for letting me have three Winnie's Wishers to love and cuddle!
I have been asking you all, that if you could, please take the opportunity of Chrystal's vacation and Birthday to send something, either a donation or wish list item, to Winnie's Wish! You see what wonderful kitties come from there! And if you know Chrystal, or read her blog, you know how wonderful she is! So if you can, please send along some love and help the kitties of Winnie's Wish! (and help find them homes too, that would be so awesome!!) I elaborated more about donating on THIS post
Thank you all!
And happy Gotcha day to my sweet girls, I'm so glad I got to gotcha them!!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mancat Monday

The Manly Mancat form in silhouette. I think he's a work of art. But I could be a little biased.. Love my baby boy!

Leo: I'm perfecting the art of knowing when to pounce a sister and when to just keep napping.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Caturday Art

We're participating in the Caturday Art blog hop this week! I chose the picture of Leo from our Thankful Thursday post.

Oh, and a follow up on that. Leo said we were waiting on test results to confirm all the good news, well we got them and they did! Even more, the kidney damage that happened in the hospital has healed! We are all kinds of happy and thankful over here!

Here's our happy art!

This one is called Abstract



This is Groovy Rainbow gif, and I love it! just wish I could adjust the speed slower..

And the original

Happy Caturday everyone!


I'm going to put my plea out here one more time! Winnie's Wish could really use some love in the form of donations or wish list items! I was hoping to make a happy birthday for Chrystal and to make up, a little, for her having to miss her Florida vacation because of her being sick and having to be in the hospital with a whole bunch of boxes or donations to the kitties!

If you can, please do use the Wish List that you can find HERE or on the daily dose side bar. Or the donate button that is also on her side bar.
And again, if you would prefer to send wish list items but don't have amazon prime, you can use the big red donate button on my sidebar and I will convert it into wish list items for you and include a note saying who it's from!
Please do what you can from where you are to help Winnie's Wish! Thank you!!
